Message from @NiggerLyncher
Discord ID: 304732438368747530
We need moar kike hate
It's Hitler senpais birth day let's not let him down
jew anon pm me when u get a chance to listen to that song
Omw home in a outback parking lot
OK driving now when I get back I wanna see alot of kike hate
Walked into my French class today and two girls were doing a Roman salute (one of them a 10/10 Aryan) and wishing Hitler a happy birthday
t!reputation @Renaar
There was another attack in Paris today. Le Pen memes must be dispersed ASAP
>has an iFunny watermark
t!reputation @NiggerLyncher
π | **Renaar**, **you can award more reputation in 8 hours, 59 minutes and 57 seconds.**
t!youtube assclowns united le pen
π½ | ** **
It was the first one that popped up so I used it
@everyone spread it
in response to terror shit
i steal memes dal
i dont give a shit about ifunny watermark
kek i like that one /shameless self promotion
anyone got new <#298243428829888513> for the channel its been stale lately
Capitalize on Paris now
It's #1 trend
maybe could shill that this wouldnt happen if Hitler won the war