Message from @Päsli
Discord ID: 522185977234718730
theres your reparations @Ninjaplusplus you can now be white
fucking costs money though
Happy Birthday Jamie, may you get many feetpics.
wrong jamie
No u. Feet are a gift
The Jamie you're thinking of is orange @Grey Squirrel
I should make more of these emote macros
Yes you should
What you use for it?
Both Jamies sucking each other’s toes
You have the skills and the time to do it so please hop to it get to work @Deleted User
I got that nitrobux so I can do as many letters as I want
@Karpo how high are you
If I run out of emotes on my server I'll make another server
Let’s seize the means of production and form a community
Not too high
Tee bee H
brb gotta piss
Get higher
k nice info
I am very high
@The Walmart Drug Cartel (X) lolfire suckin yours
What you zooted on my man?
If he ever sucks on my toes I will kick him in the face
>inb4 weed like always
@lolfire this nigga ain’t worth the trouble smh
Anime profile pics are cool and all
but furry crusader profile pics
I still cannot sleep