Message from @Dimorac
Discord ID: 522380188462481408
it's a bullet hell with actual music
first boss is kinda eh
but these are always harder to beat yourself than they look
Ability to import songs?
nah sadly
@Tailed Feature Every single tweet by a politician i find that is a hate crime, I'm going to report as well dude!
"It'd be great if we could get rid of hate for Christmas."
>mfw reporting the First Minister for a hate crime
gonna have to subscribe to this guy
Thing is though he is following what the police are saying
but when it's someone who is above the law
If politicians would get reported theyd just say its a hate troll attack
it's oh it's no perceived as hate
even though it says, "if YOU! perceived as hate
The police just admited
that if it wasn't her
they would take it further
Pure fucking hate people who walk slow but take up the whole pavement
@Jim I was out in the square getting my tablets, I had someone like that
Mate, I hate it in shops when they stand in the fucking isle and bend down taking the whole isle upp
They then had the audacity to say, oh go around in the road if you wanna get past
Can I say the word here dad
+kick @FrostBlood !KYS"
Lmao that is pure scum dim
Should have reported them for ableism
Why kick me
Have oyu seen the videos, of all these ex-Vegans coming out
about how it ruined there career n shit like that
I love you dim