Message from @Callie
Discord ID: 522771391418859520
Nah. I'm pretty tired. But no sore head or nausea, all good. How are you feeling?
Ya know that highschool
Ya know?
Hi tea
@Tailed Feature Throat's killing me, it's why I'm up. I didn't sleep until 11am, tbh. Sat with Mandy and Karpo for ages, like.
Shite mate.
Obvious joke is obvious Tea
Ken man, pure feeling sorry for myself.
Yes, I know, fuck off.
No u
I slept for about 4 hours, then phone went aff.
Holy shit they cook like Big
I'd eat it.
That's what she said, Callie.
I'm deciding if I should stay up today or not. 0 sleep means insomnia wins again
Imma get drunk tomorrow C:
Insomnia isn't a choice.
Yeah **boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii**
Callie, you always get drunk.
:> I’m wholesome
It looks fucking rank, let it be at least a beef and tomato one
Nah chicken and mushroom.
Can I be a wholesome alcoholic?
Oan a piece
Fine, Callie.
Nah no boak.
He's older than me, Tea. Clearly he's senile.
not senile, yett!
He is.