Message from @Kai
Discord ID: 522874280480997383
Girls on this server
"Im a girl (has a penis)"
also true
That entire show was fucking garbage
@Mallard Duck I don't care about your pfp. I care about your pp.
Am no gay btw
gf(male) type of situation
ronin from titanfall 2 best waifu
alright real question
Let's hear it
anyone know how I make fake windows pop ups to not force to the front
I'm broke alright
every time I play shit it gets minimized like every 15 minutes
Watta gwan @fuzzyplant
Also, anyone who pronounces "loli" "lowly" should be hanged
Why does it matter
You a loli fan ?
You sir, send shivers down my spine
How about we take the precaution of banning him
I can only make suggestions
@Spirit why dont you take a seat
I am a piss whitey
I'm already fokin sitting you cunt
Chris hansen style
On the note of chris hansen
Also, how do I air out a small room with only one window?
the farts have been hanging in the air for half an hour now
nothing works
Did you know 8 year olds can become sex offenders in america ?
open door
Good @Kai
Im serious
Almost nothing an 8 year old does has any deep meaning to it
Well maybe 8 is kinda young
Sex offenders should start at the age of 12
But how