Message from @Soma
Discord ID: 522951504668393482
Another one that "Slipped" through the net....
Yo free game at Humble bundle
He just slipped through boys, n othing we could do...
Unless they are under 24/7 watch with a guy in a FBI car following them 24/7 it's g oing to keep happening
Sonichu : the fast and the auturious
that doesnt work <:dribble:467327022641971211>
you know what does work
It does , get off!
or, instead of following these cunts, send them to hell
just, fuck em right off
Rly though , Strasbourg shooter (((Not an asset))) +++
Reasons why an armed populus is paramount to a free society
doesnt really happen here in aus, but thats just bcause nobody wants to do something like that in a crowd of australians, bad idea
Because Spas 12
Spat twelf
@heatherman that's a load of shit. Nothing to do with because they're Australian.
I'm taking a shit rn
Literally a dingo thing
That Dingo stole my babey!
Haha I'm famous
Jus gay
@Soma If the owner had a license it is highly likely they would have gotten off scott free
We don't have Castle doctrine here
well tbh we have a fairly common stance against a lot of foreigners, so they aren't exactly blending in to get away with shit
We do, In a way, anyway. Reasonable force is a factor but if someone broke into your house you can say they were violent and could have possibly killed you.
Gas Niggers?
Shut up dingo
Owning a gun without a license in the UK is an automatic "I'm going to use with the intent of harm" cause otherwise, you would have gotten a license.
But as a farmer, surely he had a license.
On 23 August 1999, Martin was charged with the murder of Barras, the attempted murder of Fearon, "wounding with intent to cause injury" to Fearon and "possessing a firearm with intent to endanger life".[9] Martin did not hold a valid shotgun certificate (licence), let alone the more restrictive Firearms Certificate he would have needed to possess the Winchester pump-action shotgun that held a maximum of five rounds.
fair play