Message from @Mr. Meatball

Discord ID: 687101092487626763

2020-03-11 00:49:51 UTC  

Actually yes

2020-03-11 00:49:55 UTC  

There wouldent be any remains

2020-03-11 00:50:17 UTC  

wood definitely would have decomposed

2020-03-11 00:50:54 UTC  

Heres the deal though for anyone who asks why havent we found eden

2020-03-11 00:51:04 UTC  

When they sinned they got kicked out of the garden

2020-03-11 00:51:08 UTC  

So thats why we are here

2020-03-11 00:51:28 UTC  

i still think that the old testament is completely metaphorical

2020-03-11 00:51:53 UTC  

@Joshawott200 off topic but you think abortion isnt murder?

2020-03-11 00:51:56 UTC  

Adam and Eve were the first humans ever and they were the start of all of us being born, correct?

2020-03-11 00:52:03 UTC  


2020-03-11 00:52:07 UTC  

Thats why we arent perfect

2020-03-11 00:52:29 UTC  

2020-03-11 00:52:35 UTC  


2020-03-11 00:52:56 UTC  

But Adam and Eve were both white, so how the heck were black people made

2020-03-11 00:53:07 UTC  

depends on the stage of the fetus (also murder is the *unlawful* killing of a person so it would be manslaughter not murder)

2020-03-11 00:53:13 UTC  

Or Asians

2020-03-11 00:53:36 UTC  

i have already told you how @Mr. Meatball

2020-03-11 00:53:42 UTC  

Thats a very good question i cannot answer

2020-03-11 00:53:57 UTC  

No you haven’t

2020-03-11 00:53:58 UTC  

@Mr. Meatball but how do we know they were white?

2020-03-11 00:54:26 UTC  

Well if they weren’t white there are still way more races that just 2 people couldn’t produce

2020-03-11 00:54:44 UTC  

The ‘history is all fake’ crowd tend to have an agenda as well. Sure history is written by the winners, but they didn’t put millions of balls of 98% pure sulfur (which can’t occur in nature) along the Dead Sea where the five cities were located.

According to Abraham it rained fire and sulfur against those 5 cities and turned them into ash (calcium carbonate).

Pure sulfur isn’t natural.

You get 38-40% sulfur from volcanic activity.

2020-03-11 00:54:46 UTC  

Remember pregnancy is never perfect

2020-03-11 00:55:34 UTC  

It’s from the ruins of ghomorrah.

The walls were a limestone concrete. They were heated to a point where they’re were baked into calcium phosphate.

And there’s no volcanic activity there.

Which is why people who have this really profane understanding of ‘what the Bible really means’ when you can go here yourself and see the ruins.

2020-03-11 00:55:37 UTC  

Also if the Adam and Eve story is true, that makes us all ret*rd babies

2020-03-11 00:55:56 UTC  

I don’t know if I’ll get warned again for swearing so I censored myself

2020-03-11 00:56:02 UTC  

The Saudi authorities have this entire area cordoned off. They don’t patrol it but you’re not allowed to go there.

2020-03-11 00:56:19 UTC  

but gohmorrah is thought to be in Syria, which did have volcanic activity during the Bronze Age

2020-03-11 00:56:40 UTC  

It’s named Mt Sinai.
It was named that maybe a century ago.
This is Jabal al Lawz. Which was the name and still is the name of the real location.
I’m assuming they changed the location to keep away the curious.
I don’t know for sure but into looks pretty damn literal to me.

Below... it is the real mt Sinai with black, heated rock at the top.

These drawings are all over that rock. And it’s in the valley with the real mt Sinai.

The valley with the altar to the golden calf. I think these qualify as ‘primary source observation’

2020-03-11 00:57:20 UTC  

Ron Wyatt found the Ark in turkey (not ON mt Ararat). He’s also the guy who found this region which was already slightly patrolled.

Well he didn’t find the ark. But he’s he first person to lead an expedition to shoot X-rays into the ground to figure out what it was.

The charlatans in the mainstream creationism community claim the ark is on mt Ararat and also that mt Sinai is in the Sinai National Park. That’s why I view the mainstream creationism groups as controlled opposition like Flat Earth Society.

Ararat is of course in the distance from this object. But the Bible says it landed in the region OF Ararat not ON Ararat.

This is my single greatest criticism of the ppl who says history is totally faked by the Vatican.
1) that’s an unprovable assumption
2) I have evidence of history from accidental confirmation (high altitude photography)
3) I have evidence of history from explorative confirmation (piecing together biblical writings to find the five cities which were exactly where it said they would be) It also attributes more power to the church than they actually have. But they’d love for everyone to think they have hat kind of power.
Same with governments. Strongest flood evidence is geology, polystrata fossils etc. The entire Eastern USA was a lake that drained through the Grand Canyon. We are seeing proof!This is pretty good primary evidence.This isn’t some made up Greek writing stuff down in a dusty hall. This is archeological remains.Which weren’t discovered until the 1940s.

2020-03-11 00:57:21 UTC  

heres my source if you want it

2020-03-11 00:57:49 UTC  

well its above the last comment but its pretty big

2020-03-11 00:58:09 UTC  
2020-03-11 00:58:19 UTC  


2020-03-11 00:58:20 UTC  

Nobody is perfect due to their mistake

2020-03-11 00:58:34 UTC  

It makes more sense than humans evolving

2020-03-11 00:58:42 UTC  

Because if so why wouldent we see it more

2020-03-11 00:58:52 UTC  

And saying the thing died out is a lame excuse

2020-03-11 00:58:53 UTC  

racial evolution makes sense to me