Message from @Dizaster

Discord ID: 653579773791961088

2019-12-07 00:30:06 UTC  

That's not on the vaccines' part

2019-12-07 00:30:51 UTC  

If you're allergic to a vaccine and they don't test it on you it's gonna wreck you even if it's otherwise perfectly safe

2019-12-07 10:07:30 UTC  

Actually everyone is affected by vaccine just some more than others. Independent researchers that did CT scans after every vaccine injection found some degree of brain atrophy

2019-12-07 15:10:56 UTC  

black metal statueYesterday at 7:14 PM
I got all my vaccines, still not disabled

I beg to differ

2019-12-08 04:23:30 UTC  

Below ⬇️ Manufactured AIDS ,
The True Story 💉

2019-12-08 04:23:41 UTC  
2019-12-08 21:57:32 UTC  
2019-12-09 00:26:05 UTC  

Genetics dont give us disease, 99% of time its not genetics

2019-12-09 00:26:17 UTC  

its the toxic heavy metals inside the vaccine

2019-12-09 00:26:27 UTC  

that are bad for all of us

2019-12-09 00:27:37 UTC  

and the fact that decades ago, they found "anti bodies" in someone with chronic ilness, and concluded its the "body attacking itself" biggest joke ever

2019-12-09 00:28:46 UTC  

The third joke is that they believe "virus" or "bugs" dont feed off things

2019-12-09 07:59:34 UTC  

@Dizaster Could you further explain your last point? It's a new one for me

2019-12-09 11:48:38 UTC  

@Dizaster do you actually know what antibodies are?

2019-12-09 12:46:42 UTC  

@Jondar02 medical science believes a virus can not feed off food. They believe it can only grow on itself, 'it can make more of itself'

2019-12-09 12:48:36 UTC  

In reality, they feed off eggs (growth hormones),gluten,diary (growth hormones).

Egg is worst food, believe it or not, it got a lot of growth hormones. And back in the day, they kept virus alive in petridish... Guess with what? Exactly, with eggs

2019-12-09 12:49:16 UTC  

@vcokltfre of course, what are you trying to say?

2019-12-09 12:51:00 UTC  

They could not find the pathogen causing the chronic ilness, but they DID find anti bodies in the patient. So they concluded, it was the body attacking itself.. by causing the symptoms like inflammation in and around the body

2019-12-09 12:52:10 UTC  

And its also about money and interest groups since then, so that kept the theory alive aswell... It keeps business rolling

2019-12-09 12:52:40 UTC  


2019-12-09 12:52:42 UTC  


2019-12-09 12:53:29 UTC  

Think about it, last 40 years we are in peak of chronic ilness and its getting worse.

Do you think our genes broke in the last 40 years? :)

2019-12-09 12:53:35 UTC  

Of humanity

2019-12-09 12:54:40 UTC  


2019-12-09 12:56:36 UTC  

In reality viruses invade cells and force them to produce more viruses until the cell dies. Those new viruses invade new cells and so on

2019-12-09 12:57:40 UTC  

Can they feed off food?

2019-12-09 12:57:46 UTC  

Yes they can

2019-12-09 12:57:58 UTC  

Why? Because there's cells in food

2019-12-09 12:58:31 UTC  

Im not saying every food. They feed off growth hormones in eggs

2019-12-09 12:58:39 UTC  
2019-12-09 13:06:17 UTC  

Its all new information, so if you are not open minded or neutral/opposite belief systems. It will most likely block the possibility to learn. Yet the facinating fact is, that people are actually healing from 'incurable' chronic ilnesses. If you willing to look into it deeply. You can find out.

2019-12-09 13:07:11 UTC  

People get his books and do heal from all these mystery ilness

2019-12-09 13:07:31 UTC  

That we dont know the exact cause of

2019-12-09 16:02:11 UTC  

Love me some eggs and dairy

2019-12-09 16:27:58 UTC  
2019-12-09 16:29:54 UTC  

```"Before the development of cell culture, many viruses were propagated in embryonated chicken eggs. Today this method is most commonly used for growth of influenza virus. The excellent yield of virus from chicken eggs has led to their widespread use in research laboratories and for vaccine production."```

2019-12-09 16:54:46 UTC  

Eggs are a huge part of my families diet that include my ancestors. They raised the healthiest chickens I ever saw and lived long healthy lives

2019-12-09 17:26:04 UTC  

True and it was never a real problem in history. Its just the last hundred year that certain virus have mutated and even escaped lab somehow. And even back then in the early 1900s, the eggs were used to keep the virus alive. (Still nowadays)

So now it feeds of egg hormones. Its not the egg that is the problem itself. Its the pathogen feeding off it.

And since over 2/3th of people out there have a strain of the EBV virus in us. It just depends which strain we have. Some have an aggressive strain and most strains are docile... But if you feed it eggs for 20/30/40 years, you will experience a form of chronic ilness. Theres different type of virus that each can cause different range of disease.

2019-12-09 17:27:48 UTC  

It just gets stronger over time. And a small percentage is lucky to not have virus. So 1 person can eat eggs all his life and someone else gets sick at 30/40 yo