Message from @Hernán Cortés
Discord ID: 278946693595267072
Hell ya, I'd have a game show too, like are you smarter than a slave? And you can build up your prizes, like the lower tier prizes would be dinner with master, then it builds up all the way to being freed
Y-ya, I'm just jesting as well...
@animeisrael join antifa subversion channel
@gabe_brouse morn
Where's the new ancom general thread on pol?
Are you another /R9K/?
404d. Haven't got a morningthread going.
Soon tho.
>have 250gb on laptop
>never install shit
>always full
cunt btfo
can you hear me
She wasn't cut off for reading that specific letter. She was cut off for being an annoying, obstructive cunt.
@Verm The twitter account has gained followers exponentially. I wanna see this take off and organize counter-protests asap.
Here's Muh SCAR
>not getting a Kalashnikov
Nice meme rifle
Thank u
Did we settle on the uniform issue
fucking cuck
@Nonon Jakuzure My vote was for olive green matching colors but no uniform. That way us poor fags can afford some inconspicuous milsurp clothing.
That's kinda larpy but I'll take it
@Nonon Jakuzure well we can't wear brown shirts