Message from @Dank Memer

Discord ID: 649947432393637908

2019-11-29 12:03:43 UTC  

Pls with all

2019-11-29 12:03:44 UTC  

**600** coins withdrawn

2019-11-29 12:03:53 UTC  

Pls slots all

2019-11-29 12:03:53 UTC  

2019-11-29 12:04:40 UTC  

Pls search

2019-11-29 12:04:40 UTC  

**GRASS** You found 60 coins, luckily you didn't eat them

2019-11-29 12:08:19 UTC  

Pls rich

2019-11-29 12:08:19 UTC  

bot is still loading, hold ur horses damn

2019-11-29 12:08:57 UTC  

Pls beg

2019-11-29 12:08:57 UTC  

**Wumpus** has donated 61 coins to @Ashiaaappp, and a <:bread:573152440938004500> **Fresh Bread**

2019-11-29 12:08:59 UTC  

Pls search

2019-11-29 12:08:59 UTC  

**LAUNDROMAT** You found 87 coins, now you can do some laundry!

2019-11-29 12:09:01 UTC  

Pls pm

2019-11-29 12:09:01 UTC  

2019-11-29 12:09:02 UTC  


2019-11-29 12:16:38 UTC  

Pls bal @maar

2019-11-29 12:16:38 UTC  

2019-11-29 12:17:20 UTC  

Pls profile Metallica

2019-11-29 12:17:22 UTC

2019-11-29 12:19:01 UTC  

Pls profile Citizen Z

2019-11-29 12:19:03 UTC

2019-11-29 12:19:16 UTC  

Pls profile Eskimo

2019-11-29 12:19:17 UTC  

We've defaulted to an embed because an error occured :(

2019-11-29 12:19:38 UTC  

Pls profile duolingo owl

2019-11-29 12:19:39 UTC

2019-11-29 12:20:10 UTC  

Pls beg

2019-11-29 12:20:10 UTC  

**Donald Glover** has donated 43 coins to @Ashiaaappp!

2019-11-29 12:20:13 UTC  

Pls search

2019-11-29 12:20:14 UTC  

**COUCH** You found 33 coins, I wonder how long you've been sitting on this?

2019-11-29 12:20:15 UTC  

Pls pm

2019-11-29 12:20:16 UTC  

**__What type of meme do you want to post?__**
`d` ■ **Dank meme**
`e` ■ **Edgy meme**
`n` ■ **Normie Meme**
`s` ■ **Spoopy Meme**
`r` ■ **Repost meme**

2019-11-29 12:20:18 UTC  


2019-11-29 12:20:18 UTC  

Your posted meme is **__DEAD__** with **-868 upvotes**. You get 0 coins lol sucks to be you

2019-11-29 12:20:24 UTC  

Pls dep all

2019-11-29 12:20:25 UTC  

**148** coins deposited

2019-11-29 12:20:28 UTC  

Pls with 500

2019-11-29 12:20:29 UTC  

500 coins withdrawn.

2019-11-29 12:20:36 UTC  

You were caught **HAHAHA**
You paid the person you stole from **500** coins.

2019-11-29 12:20:48 UTC  

Pls beg

2019-11-29 12:20:48 UTC  

2019-11-29 12:20:55 UTC  

Pls with 999