Message from @Dank Memer

Discord ID: 651774690171289628

2019-12-04 12:43:30 UTC  

2019-12-04 13:17:39 UTC  

Pls bal

2019-12-04 13:17:39 UTC  

2019-12-04 13:17:42 UTC  

Pls search

2019-12-04 13:17:42 UTC  

**CAR** You found 198 coins, now get out of here before I call the cops

2019-12-04 13:17:48 UTC  

Pls beg

2019-12-04 13:17:48 UTC  

**Dauntless** has donated 65 coins to @EyulAstic🌐, and a <:cookie:573152241289003036> **Cookie**

2019-12-04 13:17:58 UTC  

Pls pm

2019-12-04 13:17:58 UTC  

**__What type of meme do you want to post?__**
`d` ■ **Dank meme**
`e` ■ **Edgy meme**
`n` ■ **Normie Meme**
`s` ■ **Spoopy Meme**
`r` ■ **Repost meme**

2019-12-04 13:18:00 UTC  


2019-12-04 13:18:00 UTC  

Your posted meme is **__TRENDING__** with **6090 upvotes**. You get 354 coins, niceeee meme bro

2019-12-04 13:18:06 UTC  

Pls dep all

2019-12-04 13:18:06 UTC  

**617** coins deposited

2019-12-04 13:18:25 UTC  

Pls with 500

2019-12-04 13:18:27 UTC  

500 coins withdrawn.

2019-12-04 13:18:29 UTC  

Pls rich

2019-12-04 13:18:29 UTC  

2019-12-04 13:18:48 UTC  

Pls rob Xian_H20#9916

2019-12-04 13:18:49 UTC  

You were caught **HAHAHA**
You paid the person you stole from **500** coins.

2019-12-04 13:19:55 UTC  

Pls beg

2019-12-04 13:19:55 UTC  

**Kim Jong Un**: Sorry, I just don't have money to spare

2019-12-04 13:20:00 UTC  

Pls search

2019-12-04 13:20:00 UTC  

**DOG** You found 38 coins, why did you even think to look here though???

2019-12-04 13:20:49 UTC  

Pls pm

2019-12-04 13:20:49 UTC  

**__What type of meme do you want to post?__**
`d` ■ **Dank meme**
`e` ■ **Edgy meme**
`n` ■ **Normie Meme**
`s` ■ **Spoopy Meme**
`r` ■ **Repost meme**

2019-12-04 13:20:54 UTC  


2019-12-04 13:20:54 UTC  

Your posted meme got **398 upvotes**. You get 56 coins

2019-12-04 13:21:06 UTC  

Pls dep all

2019-12-04 13:21:06 UTC  

**94** coins deposited

2019-12-04 13:22:29 UTC  

Pls rob

2019-12-04 13:22:29 UTC  

2019-12-04 13:24:01 UTC  

Pls beg

2019-12-04 13:24:02 UTC  

**Kamala Harris**: sure take this non-existent coin

2019-12-04 13:24:25 UTC  


2019-12-04 14:21:54 UTC  

Pls rich

2019-12-04 14:21:55 UTC  

2019-12-04 14:22:01 UTC  

Pls rob h8mz88

2019-12-04 14:22:02 UTC  

You were caught **HAHAHA**
You paid the person you stole from **500** coins.

2019-12-04 14:32:22 UTC  

Pls with 500

2019-12-04 14:32:23 UTC  

500 coins withdrawn.

2019-12-04 14:32:43 UTC  

Pls rob H8mz88