Message from @Logrian

Discord ID: 651886703245524994

2019-12-04 14:22:01 UTC  

Pls rob h8mz88

2019-12-04 14:22:02 UTC  

You were caught **HAHAHA**
You paid the person you stole from **500** coins.

2019-12-04 14:32:22 UTC  

Pls with 500

2019-12-04 14:32:23 UTC  

500 coins withdrawn.

2019-12-04 14:32:43 UTC  

Pls rob H8mz88

2019-12-04 14:32:43 UTC  

You were caught **HAHAHA**
You paid the person you stole from **500** coins.

2019-12-04 14:51:25 UTC  

Pls work list

2019-12-04 14:51:25 UTC  

2019-12-04 14:51:36 UTC  

Pls work fast food

2019-12-04 14:51:36 UTC  

You're already working as a **Fast Food Cook**. If you want to leave your current job to apply for a new one, use `pls work resign`

2019-12-04 14:51:44 UTC  

Pls work

2019-12-04 14:51:44 UTC  

You need to wait **52 minutes and 17 seconds** until you can work again!

2019-12-04 15:15:20 UTC  

Pls meme

2019-12-04 20:44:36 UTC  

pls daily

2019-12-04 20:44:36 UTC  

2019-12-04 20:44:44 UTC  


2019-12-04 20:44:45 UTC  

👍 **Joined** `🔊 Amphitheater VC 🎵` :page_facing_up: **And bound to** `music--games`

2019-12-04 20:44:52 UTC  

!p unforgiven

2019-12-04 20:44:52 UTC  

<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 `unforgiven`

2019-12-04 20:44:52 UTC  

**Playing** 🎶 `"Unforgiven" - Shootout Scene HD` - Now!

2019-12-04 20:45:01 UTC  

!p unforgiven metallice

2019-12-04 20:45:01 UTC  

<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 `unforgiven metallice`

2019-12-04 20:45:02 UTC  

2019-12-04 20:45:22 UTC  


2019-12-04 20:45:22 UTC  

⏩ ***Skipped*** 👍

2019-12-04 20:46:42 UTC  

Pls daily

2019-12-04 20:46:42 UTC  

**Tip**: You can win all types of crazy items from lootboxes, even pink phallic- wait...: <>

2019-12-04 21:08:46 UTC  

Pls daily

2019-12-04 21:08:47 UTC  

2019-12-04 21:08:54 UTC  

Pls work

2019-12-04 21:08:54 UTC  

@H8mz88 What color was next to the word `ads`?

2019-12-04 21:09:05 UTC  


2019-12-04 21:09:05 UTC  

**BOSS** Good stuff H8mz88, got the work done well. You were given `165` coins for one hour of work.

2019-12-04 21:39:38 UTC  


2019-12-04 21:39:47 UTC  


2019-12-04 21:39:59 UTC  

2019-12-04 21:40:45 UTC  


2019-12-04 21:40:49 UTC  


2019-12-04 21:40:54 UTC  


2019-12-04 21:41:01 UTC  


2019-12-04 22:07:49 UTC  

pls trivia