Message from @Logrian

Discord ID: 677903898480214036

2020-02-14 14:17:12 UTC  

Set a reminder in 1 day and 1 hour from now (15 Feb 20 15:17 UTC)
View reminders with the reminders command

2020-02-14 14:17:25 UTC  

Pls search

2020-02-14 14:17:25 UTC  

Where do you want to search? Pick from the list below and type it in chat.
`dresser`, `hospital`, `dog`

2020-02-14 14:17:26 UTC  

Pls beg

2020-02-14 14:17:27 UTC  

what are you THINKING man that's not a valid option from the list??

**Tip**: Buying a Cell Phone from the shop can yield all kinds of possibilities, including calling in sick for work!

2020-02-14 14:17:29 UTC  

Pls work

2020-02-14 14:17:29 UTC  

**Work for YouTuber** - Scramble - The following word is scrambed, you need to try and unscramble it to reveal the original word.

2020-02-14 14:17:48 UTC  


2020-02-14 14:17:48 UTC  

That is not the word! You have 2 attempt(s) left.

**Citizen Z**, unscramble the following word;

2020-02-14 14:17:59 UTC  

**BOSS** Poor effort Citizen Z, I expected better from you. I'm only going to give you `172` coins for that hour of work. I don't want to see this mistake happen again.

2020-02-14 14:18:17 UTC  

Pls rich

2020-02-14 14:18:17 UTC  

2020-02-14 14:18:23 UTC  

Pls rob lucy

2020-02-14 14:18:24 UTC  

You were caught **HAHAHA**
You paid the person you stole from **500** coins.

2020-02-14 14:18:32 UTC  

Pls dep all

2020-02-14 14:18:32 UTC  

**220** coins deposited

2020-02-14 15:21:11 UTC  

Pls notifs

2020-02-14 15:21:11 UTC  

2020-02-14 15:21:27 UTC  

Pls use reversal

2020-02-14 15:21:27 UTC  

You haven't been stolen from by anybody within the last **20 minutes**.

2020-02-14 15:48:04 UTC  


2020-02-14 15:48:09 UTC  


2020-02-14 15:48:09 UTC  

1) RUSH E 2:57
2) I'm Leaning On A Lampost - The Ukulel… 3:14

This is the end of the queue!
Use -play to add more :^)

2020-02-14 15:48:19 UTC  

-clear 1

2020-02-14 15:48:19 UTC  

Unable to run the command: The **Clean** command is disabled on this server. Enable it in the control panel on the moderation page.

2020-02-14 15:48:25 UTC  

-remove 1

2020-02-14 15:48:25 UTC  

2020-02-14 15:48:38 UTC  

-remove 1

2020-02-14 15:48:39 UTC  

2020-02-14 15:48:58 UTC  

-play synthwave mix

2020-02-14 15:49:55 UTC  
2020-02-14 16:21:08 UTC  

**Reminder** @H8mz88: daily

2020-02-14 16:28:58 UTC  

pls daily

2020-02-14 16:28:58 UTC  

2020-02-14 17:06:04 UTC  

pls daily

2020-02-14 17:06:04 UTC  

2020-02-14 17:06:13 UTC  

pls bet all

2020-02-14 17:06:14 UTC