Message from @Crawfoot
Discord ID: 524075076249976853
That, was a lot of scat lol
Mission failed, we'll get em next time
get fucked burping fag
any of you guys like 40K?
because i had a question concerning the paint used on the figurines
idk about the figures im too poor for that shit
i just know thin your paints
meh, i didnt have a question, just wanted to insult someone
my note for octavia is still "where is my toast woman"
40k is good but its not worth spending your life savings on some plastic cunts that will never see a real game in their existence
I changed it
it just says craw
used to say other stuff but it was pointless
some moron just tried to add a note on me
what lol
What a fgt
hahaha who would mess up that bad?
you know who you are
notes don't even do anything on the other person's end lol
i know
yeah but the note button is very close to the msg one
so when you go to say "someone id fuck"
and send it to them
i goofed and pressed the message one
I thought only the one putting the note sees it
sorry craw
Why would you note that?
Clearly I was mistaken
keep track of all the traps