Message from @Dimorac
Discord ID: 524081576817066004
what do you call a burning cripple, hot wheels
oh god
were you even alive during vietnam? @Snuffnuts
in a past life
I probably fought for the gooks
can you save my
heavy dirty soul
you make a craw meme and i block you
yeah I can try
what if in your past life you were one of the viet cong? @Snuffnuts
gangsters dont cry
therefore therefore im
probably fought for the gooks
mr misty eyed
@Snuffnuts I dig the nameless one profile pic
thx nibb
Np fam
has anyone else made a dasani water bottle in SC VI?
my ELA teacher back in 8th grade lookin ass
I'm looking at a pair of shoes, their normal price is 500 DKK, but if I have a membership, I can get it for 499 DKK
fucking steal that is
gawd damn the pusher man
what a fucking crawful deal
okay i wont use your meme
i dont want to ever have to block you