Message from @Flat Earth PhD

Discord ID: 653883462092062741

2019-12-10 07:59:46 UTC  

On the other hand, the tech to land on the moon wasn't available either, but either way it wasn't fake that's for sure

2019-12-10 08:10:08 UTC  


2019-12-10 08:10:55 UTC  

100% fake

2019-12-10 08:11:07 UTC  

Even my 75yr old non-internet-connected father knows this.

2019-12-10 08:12:27 UTC  

For your entertainment...

2019-12-10 08:12:49 UTC

2019-12-10 08:13:06 UTC

2019-12-10 08:13:14 UTC

2019-12-10 08:13:33 UTC

2019-12-10 08:14:05 UTC

2019-12-10 08:14:39 UTC

2019-12-10 08:33:23 UTC  

"we don't have the technology anymore"
when did anyone claim that we dont have the tech anymore, the space exploration tech is only improving, and we might get consumer space flight within the next few years

2019-12-10 08:34:00 UTC  

and we're even getting relatively close to sending humans to Mars

2019-12-10 08:52:12 UTC  

1. So? He has the right to believe that, but that's not an argument
2. No, but they fell sometimes because idk a different force of gravity. As you might notice, they even had prepared and trained for the situation
3. An automatic camera. Tracking things is quite easy if the things are large and clearly visible. They could even have hard programmed it since all things could be calculated beforehand.
4. Things needed to be as light as possible, and the moon has a weaker gravity so not much is needed. Also it's not cardboard.
5. Is that an argument?
6. Technology has changed. We have more issues with the Van Allen belt with today's tech. And most importantly, there's no spacerace so they care a bit more about human life now.

2019-12-10 08:52:24 UTC  

7. Nice pic, can't find the argument though

2019-12-10 08:55:45 UTC  


2019-12-10 08:58:35 UTC  

@Jondar02 LOL. give up :). we've heard the ridiculous excuses ad nauseum....

2019-12-10 08:58:50 UTC  

so have we 🙂

2019-12-10 08:59:21 UTC  

dont have != dont have the ability to make it

2019-12-10 08:59:25 UTC  

Yes I'm a few mm away from certain death as I walk around in1x10-17torr and I'm just going to walk around carelessly and fall multiple times and risk puncturing my suit......

2019-12-10 08:59:27 UTC  


2019-12-10 09:00:35 UTC  

almost as if you could engineer the suits to be suitable beforehand

2019-12-10 09:00:45 UTC  

let's make this thing as light as possible....nevermind the 1x10-17 torr

2019-12-10 09:01:41 UTC  

it's OK. keep trying. it only helps the fake moon landing case as people listen to how ridiculous the excuses sound....

2019-12-10 09:01:55 UTC  

and why they are even needed

2019-12-10 09:02:26 UTC  

if we landed on the moon in 1969, even taking a dune buggy in 2019 it would be a destination in travelocity

2019-12-10 09:03:02 UTC  

i.e. science progresses......this is the only situation where it regresses.....

2019-12-10 09:03:18 UTC  

it always gets cheaper, faster, better, more mainstream

2019-12-10 09:03:26 UTC  

We still have all the technology to make rockets to go to the moon and beyond, elon musk is proving that over and over, but it takes a lot of development to make something safe for humans

2019-12-10 09:03:43 UTC  

right. He has put so many rockets on the moon 😂

2019-12-10 09:03:54 UTC  

they had an excuse for that, they lost all the telemetry data lol

2019-12-10 09:04:24 UTC  

right. seems they accidentally recorded over the most important achievement in history with re-runs of Sanford and Son

2019-12-10 09:04:40 UTC

2019-12-10 09:04:46 UTC

2019-12-10 09:04:53 UTC

2019-12-10 09:06:12 UTC  

but I would expect them to have shills in as many discussions as possible. they have a lot to lose

2019-12-10 09:06:17 UTC  

I would do the same

2019-12-10 13:49:11 UTC  

The camera wasnt automatic

2019-12-10 13:49:20 UTC  

The claim is it was remote

2019-12-10 13:49:30 UTC  

On a 6 second delay