Message from @Branch

Discord ID: 655293551222980612

2019-12-13 23:16:16 UTC  

I'm checking it out right now

2019-12-13 23:17:09 UTC  

haha "He was a critic of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, particularly as it related to time dilation" wow, the irony.

2019-12-13 23:18:40 UTC  

yes, a real scientist who actually made something

2019-12-13 23:45:59 UTC  

Time dilation is real

2019-12-13 23:50:49 UTC  

Lord Kelvin was the first propose an atomic clock based on the known laws of physics, and GR wasn’t even available at that time

2019-12-14 00:06:42 UTC  

Did the sun slow down when the clock slowed down?

2019-12-14 00:07:48 UTC  

Fyi. Thats what clocks do, they screw up

2019-12-14 00:11:11 UTC  

Believing these clocks prove anything would be very naive

2019-12-14 00:11:25 UTC  

Why would it be naive

2019-12-14 00:12:05 UTC  

even if it is "light clocks" exclusively that suggests the speed of light is still the relativistic speed limit

2019-12-14 00:12:39 UTC  

as that is whats posulated to get the sqrt(1-(v/c)^2) eqn

2019-12-14 00:17:53 UTC  
2019-12-14 00:18:06 UTC  

You're welcome

2019-12-14 00:18:19 UTC  

Or think of it this way...

2019-12-14 00:19:24 UTC  

If you a clock ran faster than another clock, does that mean that the sun went slower for one clock than it did for the other clock? Think about that for a second

2019-12-14 00:19:48 UTC  

Can you make the sun speed up or slow down with a man made clock?

2019-12-14 01:30:50 UTC  

His argument relies on clocks that utilize gravity to function. Hourglasses and pendulums rely on a downward vector. Atomic clocks rely on electromagnetism.

2019-12-14 01:33:11 UTC  

He is also looking at gravity from a Newtonian perspective, which we all know is incorrect. Because of Einstein, we know gravity is a warping of spacetime. All objects are taking a straight line on a curved “plane”

2019-12-14 02:04:23 UTC  


2019-12-14 06:22:37 UTC  

@Sassy Undeniably can i be unmuted please?

2019-12-14 06:26:46 UTC  

I didn't mute you someone else did

2019-12-14 06:31:07 UTC  


2019-12-14 06:43:19 UTC  

ok cool

2019-12-14 09:56:07 UTC  


2019-12-14 09:56:12 UTC  


2019-12-14 12:53:12 UTC  

So you cant make the sun change speed? @RadRhys

2019-12-14 12:53:32 UTC  

What good r u and ur theory then

2019-12-14 15:42:23 UTC  

Lmaoo did the guy who made this video was serious

2019-12-14 15:42:42 UTC  

Its really funny

2019-12-14 16:08:05 UTC  

I can't even take that video seriously because he turns the hourglasses at different intervals and one off camera. There is no gravity affecting the hourglass. The sand goes through to the other side because there is no resistance stopping it reaching level which is always down. Still debunked.

2019-12-14 16:13:35 UTC  

@Sassy Undeniably you can deny gravity all you want but you can’t just say sand wants to find level. You need a mechanism for this to happen.

<@631329880461672479> no, you can’t make the sun change speed with a clock, your argument also relies on gravity based, or “level” based clocks.

2019-12-14 16:23:59 UTC  

You cant make the sun change speed period

2019-12-14 16:25:06 UTC  

Time travel isnt possible. Its science fiction just like the globe and many other lies we have been lead to believe are real

2019-12-14 16:25:24 UTC  

@RadRhys Someone told you what to think so you fill everything in and don't use your own thoughts to process the world around you. Didn't come out saying mommy can I have some gravity milk? Did she say well in order for you to get this milk you have to know what gravity is first. Or did you open the fridge and give you some stolen rotten puss to drink? No sorry your brain wants to concoct one but I will go with simplicity. You don't know what I think causes it other then what I just said. You want gravity to be so bad your defending it without any proof of your own. Just standing on the word of some dead guy. Lets put you out there in the wilderness and see if you walking around saying "well gravity will get me some food and shelter will actually yield you a crop. Where as me I am putting my hands in the dirt and planting a seed not giving a damn about you standing and looking around for gravity cause when it comes time to eat I am going to have some food and well you will just stand there supposing it was cause of gravity that you didn't eat. You will be hoping I am a nice person and give you some food and not tell you to go eat gravity if you can find some. It really is just that simple. No one told you you have to claim it you just do and for what? What does it bring you? Is knowing there could be gravity going to enrich your quality of life some how? What does gravity bring us in the grand scale of things? Cause gravity is how you got here huh?

2019-12-14 16:26:21 UTC  


2019-12-14 16:31:40 UTC  

😂😂😂😂 wtfff

2019-12-14 16:32:12 UTC  

Its too much for me

2019-12-14 16:55:26 UTC  

@Sassy Undeniably gravity takes the bird out of the sky after i throw rocks at them

2019-12-14 16:56:10 UTC  

So yes, I appreciate not having my food getting glitched out and stuck in the sky

2019-12-14 16:56:56 UTC  

But seriously, gravity just says the earth provides a force on anything with mass