Message from @gilgamesh

Discord ID: 656916966572818467

2019-12-18 17:50:18 UTC  

@Nom only scientists who are authorized by the UN can go there
Otherwise they’ll be arrested

2019-12-18 17:51:19 UTC  

@California Nightmare 3.0 bro u said aliens don't exist? the universe is so big

2019-12-18 17:51:42 UTC  

@gilgamesh Earth is our universe

2019-12-18 17:51:48 UTC  

Couldn’t that be a glacier

2019-12-18 17:51:49 UTC  

Only thing we got

2019-12-18 17:52:02 UTC  

@Pluto ice wall
They are Scientists

2019-12-18 17:52:04 UTC  

there are trillions of planets and u think not one of them have life?

2019-12-18 17:52:26 UTC  

40 billions planets have life

2019-12-18 17:52:28 UTC  

There are no planets that we can walk on
Earth is flat and stationary @gilgamesh

2019-12-18 17:52:38 UTC  

We cannot leave earth

2019-12-18 17:52:40 UTC  

I’d like to think that there are other planets with life

2019-12-18 17:52:54 UTC  

Planet means “Wandering Star”

2019-12-18 17:53:00 UTC  

Stars are luminaries

2019-12-18 17:53:01 UTC  


2019-12-18 17:53:06 UTC  

Also are the other planets flat too

2019-12-18 17:53:07 UTC  

there are as many as 40 billion planets that are like earth and can contain life

2019-12-18 17:53:15 UTC  

Prove it

2019-12-18 17:53:23 UTC  

But first prove the globe please

2019-12-18 17:53:25 UTC  

There's enough planets that might just straight up support human life

2019-12-18 17:53:56 UTC  

There's a chance that we're not alone or that there was once other life that is long gone

2019-12-18 17:54:05 UTC  

Not proof of globe sorry

2019-12-18 17:54:11 UTC  

thats what i thought too. how come everything we see is spherical like the moons and planets and stars but ours is flat?

2019-12-18 17:54:19 UTC  

To prove there is a massive universe
One must prove globe earth

2019-12-18 17:54:22 UTC  


2019-12-18 17:54:29 UTC  

Can we not just look up

2019-12-18 17:54:30 UTC  

what sperical things do you see in the sky?

2019-12-18 17:54:38 UTC  

Witha telescope to see other planets

2019-12-18 17:54:49 UTC  

i see nothing spherical

2019-12-18 17:54:51 UTC  

And why would a flat earth preclude other planets

2019-12-18 17:54:59 UTC  

i see the moon, sun, jupiter, saturn, venus, uranus LOL, mars,

2019-12-18 17:55:09 UTC  

and mercury

2019-12-18 17:55:12 UTC  

Moon is spherical, if it was not that would cause problems because of perspective

2019-12-18 17:55:13 UTC  

ok and you can see theyre spherical?

2019-12-18 17:55:27 UTC  

@Slash can’t prove it’s spherical

2019-12-18 17:55:32 UTC  

Moon is fascinating tho

2019-12-18 17:55:51 UTC  

Wait so you think the moon is a globe

2019-12-18 17:55:51 UTC  

@California Nightmare 3.0 who ever took that forgot to put the exposure and focus on

2019-12-18 17:55:57 UTC  

But the earth isn’t