Message from @pablochanches

Discord ID: 690263933021454455

2020-03-18 04:22:08 UTC  

The earth is a cube

2020-03-18 05:54:38 UTC  

Well dimmadarn

2020-03-18 05:54:45 UTC  

Didn’t know that

2020-03-18 07:29:41 UTC  

I like the cartoons

2020-03-18 07:29:55 UTC  

Looks like it’s from the game stellaris

2020-03-19 06:05:13 UTC

2020-03-19 06:05:14 UTC

2020-03-19 06:05:14 UTC

2020-03-19 06:06:49 UTC

2020-03-19 07:21:23 UTC  


2020-03-19 07:22:50 UTC  

the pychops is real

2020-03-19 11:48:49 UTC  


2020-03-19 13:07:33 UTC  

That was pitiful

2020-03-19 14:34:50 UTC Did you notice that on trump's desk at the White House, there is no more a logotype with the symbol of Eagle (which is the mark of the Beast and FED ?) March 17th 2020

2020-03-19 15:40:10 UTC  

the pheonix has lost control

2020-03-19 17:43:28 UTC  

No you

2020-03-19 18:22:26 UTC  

@Chris | Flat Earther From when is that thing about pedophilia?

2020-03-19 18:22:39 UTC  

The world is getting worse it seems

2020-03-19 18:40:46 UTC  


2020-03-19 18:40:53 UTC  

These videos are painful to watch

2020-03-19 22:24:12 UTC  


2020-03-19 22:24:16 UTC  

Someone debate with me

2020-03-19 22:24:24 UTC  

I think the earth is round

2020-03-19 22:24:28 UTC  

round and flat?

2020-03-19 22:24:44 UTC  

A sphere

2020-03-19 22:24:47 UTC  

oh, gotcha

2020-03-19 22:25:57 UTC  

so, how do you know for sure it's a sphere?

2020-03-19 22:27:47 UTC  

I don’t know for sure it’s a sphere. Most things in science are called theories, as nothing is certain.
Science was and has always been constructed around theories. Nothing is certain. However that doesn’t mean just cause some things are not certain, others are. In other words one being incorrect doesn’t mean another incorrect idea is correct. But look at examples of scientific development, from Dalston to Thomson and Schrödinger/Heisenberg's atomic models, Newton to Einstein's laws of physics, etc. When the theories were proved inaccurate, science refines them.

2020-03-19 22:28:21 UTC  

I have never seen it with my own eyes, but the experiments done and the math says it is round.

2020-03-19 22:31:44 UTC  

A lot of people around here would call that an "appeal to authority." That is to say that people have told you it is a globe and you're willing to believe them. In a debate setting, that's not exactly convincing evidence.

2020-03-19 22:32:50 UTC  

The flat earth theory seems to be built around this idea that “if I didn’t see it then it’s not true” or that it doesn’t exist. Which is ridiculous. Atoms exist, but you don’t see them.
Most flat earthers I have talked to tend to bring up the Bible, but if they have never seen god or talked to him..would u call that an “appeal to authority.”

2020-03-19 22:33:02 UTC  

I can use math

2020-03-19 22:33:10 UTC  

To prove it

2020-03-19 22:33:27 UTC  

Well there is so single equation of course

2020-03-19 22:33:55 UTC  

It’s a mix of experiments done to come to a conclusion

2020-03-19 22:34:41 UTC  

An appeal to faith is not something I would consider during a debate either. A lot of flat earthers around here will be happy to provide you with a lot of evidence and experiments.

2020-03-19 22:35:17 UTC  
