Message from @Flat Earth PhD
Discord ID: 655484472975818773
!mute @angel
wow that was rude
yes he was
go to civil debate if you wish to debate, this channel is only for questions about flat earth
no i mean banning someone only because he made a joke
ok sorry
ill go there
Yeah... typical BS of a flat earther. Ban anyone they don't like or agree with .
no. just bad behavior
like name calling/teasing/trolling
last warning guys
I don't care what others believe.
Is telling the truth trolling?
let's talk data
@Juno let's go to civil debate to destry them
"they dont agree with me, thus i take offence. therefor i must mute them"
Okay. Tell me the trajectory required to glass the middle east assuming the earth is flat?
glass the middle east?
@Flat Earth PhD nono your friend said to go on civil debate you must follow him
what do you mean by "glass"? haven't heard that one before
can you elaborate?
Sand vitrifies when heated greatly. By something like a nuke
So. Tell me the trajectory required to glass the middle east assuming the earth is flat.
you mean with a nuke?
they don't exist
Or any bomb
okay bro
fun fact: military uses flat earth maps
fun fact: they don't