Message from @AerialSN1PER

Discord ID: 655735736158519314

2019-12-15 11:37:56 UTC  

and...they were filming an experiment for the first tie

2019-12-15 11:37:57 UTC  


2019-12-15 11:37:59 UTC  

Proof it was staged

2019-12-15 11:38:02 UTC  

the main reason they don't fly over Antartica is that in the case somehting goes wrong or whatever and they have to land or they crash they are in the middle of nowhere thousands of miles away from any help. By taking a longer route they don't take that risk.

2019-12-15 11:38:05 UTC  

you never do that

2019-12-15 11:38:06 UTC  


2019-12-15 11:38:13 UTC  

We never prove anything?

2019-12-15 11:38:14 UTC  

no experiment ever works the first time

2019-12-15 11:38:20 UTC  

I'm sure it does

2019-12-15 11:38:24 UTC  

Not always

2019-12-15 11:38:25 UTC  

By your logic they wont fly over the oceans

2019-12-15 11:38:40 UTC  

they cherry picked scenes to discredit the flat earth awakening

2019-12-15 11:38:59 UTC  

And apparently antartica is full of military and scientific bases which have airports

2019-12-15 11:39:03 UTC  


2019-12-15 11:39:10 UTC  

So not an excuse

2019-12-15 11:39:15 UTC  

keep in mind that for airlines to be most they will choose the path of least resistance. now if a straight line was faster they would use it right?

2019-12-15 11:39:19 UTC  

The most bs thing I've heard is the ice wall guarded by the military and all governments worl together to hide flat earth

2019-12-15 11:39:33 UTC  

Then try going there

2019-12-15 11:39:38 UTC  

And tell us your experience

2019-12-15 11:39:42 UTC  

I cant go there because it doesn't exist

2019-12-15 11:39:51 UTC  

Why dont you tell me because you guys are the ones trying to prove it

2019-12-15 11:39:54 UTC  

Yes it does ill give you directions

2019-12-15 11:39:58 UTC  

Travel to india

2019-12-15 11:40:09 UTC  

but it isnt that is why the fly in curves according to the curvature of the earth and jet stream pathes which are formed they way they are due to the gravitational function of our planet being a sphere

2019-12-15 11:40:11 UTC  

Take a boat from the southern tip of india

2019-12-15 11:40:15 UTC  

And keep sailing south

2019-12-15 11:40:20 UTC

2019-12-15 11:40:25 UTC

2019-12-15 11:40:34 UTC

2019-12-15 11:40:46 UTC

2019-12-15 11:40:56 UTC  

Rest in peace my data usage

2019-12-15 11:41:02 UTC  


2019-12-15 11:41:18 UTC  

its an iceberg tho??

2019-12-15 11:41:25 UTC  


2019-12-15 11:41:27 UTC  

can i please explain the flight routes please🥺

2019-12-15 11:41:40 UTC  

it's a bit hard without pictures tho 🥺

2019-12-15 11:43:00 UTC  

Please explain how every government in the world blocks the 'truth'

2019-12-15 11:43:07 UTC  


2019-12-15 11:43:14 UTC  

I'm pretty sure the middle eastern countries have something more important

2019-12-15 11:43:25 UTC  

Yes like bombing other countries