Message from @🎃Oakheart🎃

Discord ID: 656913567081168937

2019-12-18 17:36:40 UTC  

But they've been edited hundreds of times.

2019-12-18 17:36:42 UTC  

Lost in translation.

2019-12-18 17:36:43 UTC  


2019-12-18 17:36:46 UTC  


2019-12-18 17:37:18 UTC  

For some, being in a religious building is their connection/spiritual place.

2019-12-18 17:37:22 UTC  

For me it's generally in nature.

2019-12-18 17:37:25 UTC  

by a tree for example

2019-12-18 17:37:28 UTC  

Or the sea

2019-12-18 17:37:29 UTC  

Or anywhere

2019-12-18 17:37:42 UTC  

if god exist then who created god?

2019-12-18 17:37:48 UTC  

Source perhaps

2019-12-18 17:37:57 UTC  

Heh, I feel kinda lucky, because I still have the imagination of my youth, and can lose myself in my thoughts anywhere

2019-12-18 17:38:04 UTC  

The bible says the universe was created in six days, right?

2019-12-18 17:38:36 UTC  

Six circles form the seed of life, the cells of a fetus can form something similar to this as well.

2019-12-18 17:39:09 UTC  


2019-12-18 17:39:14 UTC  

And many religions speak of the same events with different interperetations

2019-12-18 17:39:17 UTC  

Such as the great flood

2019-12-18 17:39:21 UTC  

Its spoken of in many religions

2019-12-18 17:39:54 UTC

2019-12-18 17:39:58 UTC  

Here is an example

2019-12-18 17:39:59 UTC  

of the cells

2019-12-18 17:40:05 UTC  


2019-12-18 17:40:06 UTC  


2019-12-18 17:40:09 UTC  

vesica pisces

2019-12-18 17:40:09 UTC  

That's really cool

2019-12-18 17:40:10 UTC  


2019-12-18 17:40:11 UTC  


2019-12-18 17:40:13 UTC  

It's awesome

2019-12-18 17:40:16 UTC  

And its the fruit of life as well

2019-12-18 17:40:48 UTC

2019-12-18 17:40:55 UTC  

my problem with religion is that they don't have any straight out objective. they are ever changing and conform to what is normal during the times, example during the ancient testament it was allowed to beat your slave and that was considered fine but when society changed and said that beating slaves was wrong they changed and conformed to what was ethical. why even call it religion if it has no clear moral guideline and just follows what society thinks is good/bad?

2019-12-18 17:41:06 UTC  

Thats the thing

2019-12-18 17:41:07 UTC  

It changes

2019-12-18 17:41:09 UTC  

so much over time

2019-12-18 17:41:17 UTC  

Honestly, I think that most religions put to much human in their gods, it's natural that we want to feel special, but we destroy many things by trying to make it more human

2019-12-18 17:41:30 UTC  

Perhaps humans personify things.

2019-12-18 17:41:39 UTC  

Personify tornadoes, thunder, etc.

2019-12-18 17:41:47 UTC  

And then science just states that nothing is divine.

2019-12-18 17:41:57 UTC  

Spirituality and science go hand in hand, despite what many believe.

2019-12-18 17:42:08 UTC  

The egg and geometry are one example of this.

2019-12-18 17:42:35 UTC  

Science only speaks of what is physical, we are left to find the spiritual ourselves