Message from @He Cute

Discord ID: 666357070383153203

2020-01-13 19:00:41 UTC  

and i need a lot of evidence to help support this theory.

2020-01-13 19:00:49 UTC  


2020-01-13 19:00:51 UTC  

Can I ask what tests you've done?

2020-01-13 19:00:57 UTC  


2020-01-13 19:01:01 UTC  


2020-01-13 19:01:07 UTC  


2020-01-13 19:01:22 UTC  

2020-01-13 19:01:22 UTC  

2020-01-13 19:01:40 UTC  
2020-01-13 19:01:41 UTC  

<:XMARK6:403540169992568833> You cannot mute someone already muted.

2020-01-13 19:01:44 UTC  

oh, noice

2020-01-13 19:01:48 UTC  

See where they lead themselves

2020-01-13 19:01:50 UTC  

I am a round earther but just wanna have a look around

2020-01-13 19:01:56 UTC  

Fair enough, Ok

2020-01-13 19:02:12 UTC  

that's fair, just dont have a go at our theory as we don't have a go at yours

2020-01-13 19:02:28 UTC  

You can certainly debate, though.

2020-01-13 19:02:50 UTC  

That's what <#538929818834698260> is for

2020-01-13 19:02:55 UTC  

It doesn't look like a pear tbh

2020-01-13 19:03:05 UTC  

i wouldn't argue with someone because of their opinion, only if they tried to force me to say it's true

2020-01-13 19:03:39 UTC  

that's fair, right?

2020-01-13 19:05:05 UTC  

why do u think the earth is flat? <@644804028949331968>ers

2020-01-13 19:05:24 UTC  

well think of this, rockets go up right?

2020-01-13 19:05:33 UTC  


2020-01-13 19:05:41 UTC  

soo they get a view from the top correct?

2020-01-13 19:05:57 UTC  

they don't go straight up

2020-01-13 19:06:15 UTC  

well obviously not STRAIGHT up, but the earth is big enough it barely makes a difference?

2020-01-13 19:06:24 UTC  

they go in a curve which is the fastest and most efficient way to get into orbit

2020-01-13 19:07:14 UTC  

and then what they mustn't tell you is that they curve back to get a picture from the top, as to not ruin their perfect globe theory, cause let's face it, all space companies believe it's round

2020-01-13 19:22:35 UTC  

I love how we have flatearthers all around the globe

2020-01-13 20:12:33 UTC

2020-01-13 20:21:54 UTC

2020-01-13 21:16:07 UTC  

2020-01-13 21:16:15 UTC  

!mute <@!597013936751247376>

2020-01-13 21:16:16 UTC  

2020-01-13 21:16:17 UTC  

2020-01-13 21:16:19 UTC  

!mute <@!485476160768180265>

2020-01-13 21:16:20 UTC  

2020-01-13 21:16:23 UTC  

>>ban <@!485476160768180265>

2020-01-13 21:16:24 UTC  

<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully banned <@485476160768180265>

2020-01-13 21:16:39 UTC  

!ban 597013936751247376

2020-01-13 21:16:40 UTC