Message from @RustyP
Discord ID: 668240997649743900
how is this explained on an FE model
I'll give you a map of variation
@Derek Nelson I never did insult you though, you never really liked criticism.
And I know the concept is accurate
I've done the acceleration recordings
@Derek Nelson here
does this map take into account the slight difference in gravitational attraction/distribution of mass around the planet?
that is the standard explanation as to why this pattern exists @RustyP
@Derek Nelson are you still here?
I’m comparing another map.
to be fair its pretty hard to look at a 2D representation of a 3D object
ه سحثشن فاث فقعفا
فاهس هس سخ بعىىغ @ثر
<@&484511709009281037> سخ فاهس هس ثحهؤ
صهفا ةغ شقشلاهؤ نثغلاخشقي
هفس ىخف فقشىسمشفهىل حقخلاشلامغ
ьн ифв
cyka blyet
english only
sprich deutsch hurensohn
you wanna go?
last warning
@Flat Earth PhD u dumb
shut tf up
!mute @chef
nah you did good with that guy
@Amthyric Tbh, I don’t think I can explain that any easier than I could tidal nodes.
@Derek Nelson explain it any way you can