Message from @BND

Discord ID: 673475489293139998

2020-02-02 10:28:34 UTC  

I am a scientist

2020-02-02 10:28:39 UTC  

No you are not

2020-02-02 10:28:40 UTC  

Yea you're talking out of your butt right now. Literally wrong, we have observed things below 8 miles.

2020-02-02 10:29:01 UTC  

I base my conclusions on experiments and observations

2020-02-02 10:29:03 UTC  

@Flat Earth PhD do you have any degree that qualifies you as a scientist

2020-02-02 10:29:10 UTC  

yes. I have a Ph.D

2020-02-02 10:29:14 UTC  

in physical sciences

2020-02-02 10:29:14 UTC  

In what

2020-02-02 10:29:17 UTC  

Making the """"claim""" that we have not without evidence is just being intellectually dishonest

2020-02-02 10:29:23 UTC  

what claim?

2020-02-02 10:29:33 UTC  

That we havent observed anything under 8 miles

2020-02-02 10:29:45 UTC  

what is the deepest hole ever drilled?

2020-02-02 10:29:55 UTC  


2020-02-02 10:30:21 UTC  

just looking for a number

2020-02-02 10:30:23 UTC  

no BS

2020-02-02 10:30:25 UTC  


2020-02-02 10:30:34 UTC  

If i remember right

2020-02-02 10:30:56 UTC  

Again, dodging from your part. The question at hand was if you could provide evidence for that we havent dug anything under 8 miles. Which you ironically answered with a counter question.

2020-02-02 10:30:59 UTC  

so if that's as far as we've ever drilled then.....all drawings of layers/core etc....and just cartoons

2020-02-02 10:31:04 UTC  


2020-02-02 10:31:09 UTC  

Who said

2020-02-02 10:31:19 UTC  

@windmill man so how far do you believe we have drilled?

2020-02-02 10:31:22 UTC  

That the Earth has a diameter of 13km

2020-02-02 10:31:54 UTC  

Btw to explain why the earth is round:
A planet is round because of gravity. A planet's gravity pulls equally from all sides. Gravity pulls from the center to the edges like the spokes of a bicycle wheel. This makes the overall shape of a planet a sphere, which is a three-dimensional circle

2020-02-02 10:32:04 UTC  

that's a theory. show me the experiment

2020-02-02 10:32:14 UTC  

I'm a scientist. use the scientific method please

2020-02-02 10:32:26 UTC

2020-02-02 10:32:28 UTC  

here you go

2020-02-02 10:32:31 UTC  

Its literally an Explanation from Nasa

2020-02-02 10:32:39 UTC  


2020-02-02 10:32:49 UTC  


2020-02-02 10:32:50 UTC  

I want to see the experiment, materials and methods and results

2020-02-02 10:32:56 UTC  


2020-02-02 10:32:58 UTC  

2020-02-02 10:33:05 UTC  


2020-02-02 10:33:07 UTC  

sorry agent smith

2020-02-02 10:33:13 UTC  

no trolling here

2020-02-02 10:33:18 UTC  

Why i am green?

2020-02-02 10:33:20 UTC  

just a heads up

2020-02-02 10:33:20 UTC  

BND, why are you green tho just asking

2020-02-02 10:33:26 UTC  

I have a role