Message from @Ricky Salads
Discord ID: 679562309428838517
gravity doesnt exist
N = force
Kg = mass
Force per mass
Yea I want to replace time = seconds with a unique constant
hey if you wanna fight to stay brainwashed to go to hell, its on you homie
Luke I am your father
haha nice meme its
No, i am your father
watch the movies then come back
i already proved you wrong twice
what next?
Ok ok, I didn't read anything you sent, but I will
Yea I looked I'm looking into that
I want to replace gravity with electromagnetism
Like rocks falling to bed of a lake
6.6 x 10 ^-11 (m^3/kg D>ų ^-2)
But now i have to make it 4D
Why would they want to hide all this information and lie about space?
Conspiracy theorists: Here’s a little lesson in trickery
<:no:648245267614793755> <:fakenews2:574732963460284427>
I believe that if the earth was flat, australia would be litterally floating in an endless void of space. Because I happen to live there, I can confirm that this is untrue
@TheMagicPython what the hell are you on about
why on earth would you think that "Australia would be floating in an endless void of space"???
i was pinged
but im doing math ;-;
that wasnt an experiment it was a demonstration and the reason the balls eventually collide is because the surface that the balls were rolling on were subject to friction
@lukethiel The Gravity ‘facts’ are so insanely stupid
Please for once think critically about something
Memes not equal to facts bud
Responding to the picture above