Message from @solarstan yt

Discord ID: 679879384139563055

2020-02-20 02:36:17 UTC  

@IXI send the photo again maybe he’s forgotten

2020-02-20 02:36:20 UTC  

Why is the moon small from earth

2020-02-20 02:36:24 UTC  

Let’s just refresh his mind

2020-02-20 02:36:26 UTC

2020-02-20 02:36:31 UTC  


2020-02-20 02:36:36 UTC  


2020-02-20 02:36:38 UTC  

Why is the mountain small when it's in the horizion

2020-02-20 02:36:59 UTC  

Like I have stated, the moons radius is 1079 miles.

2020-02-20 02:37:02 UTC  


2020-02-20 02:37:08 UTC  


2020-02-20 02:37:11 UTC  

Spacecrafts can land on it.

2020-02-20 02:37:12 UTC  

It's not dude @Redrondy76

2020-02-20 02:37:14 UTC  

Why not admit you are wrong

2020-02-20 02:37:18 UTC  

Thy have

2020-02-20 02:37:23 UTC  

It's like 2cm diameter

2020-02-20 02:37:27 UTC  

He doesn’t believe he is wrong

2020-02-20 02:37:28 UTC  

lol @Redrondy76 you don't know what you are talking about or just trolling

2020-02-20 02:37:32 UTC  

Enough making yourself look bad

2020-02-20 02:37:38 UTC  

I know what I'm talking about.

2020-02-20 02:37:51 UTC  

But you dont know the moom is 2cm diameter

2020-02-20 02:37:56 UTC  

Dude look at it

2020-02-20 02:38:05 UTC  

2020-02-20 02:38:08 UTC  


2020-02-20 02:38:41 UTC  

Redrondy deffo lives in alabama

2020-02-20 02:38:41 UTC  

Its clearly a light for a government camera to watch over most of the populous at once

2020-02-20 02:38:51 UTC  

Go on nasa and study. Here is the link.

2020-02-20 02:39:12 UTC  

No that's propaganda

2020-02-20 02:39:32 UTC  

I can see either my eyes its 2cm diameter

2020-02-20 02:39:50 UTC  


2020-02-20 02:39:50 UTC  

My maga cap is way bigger and no space craft could land on that

2020-02-20 02:40:05 UTC  

Maybe a tiny government spy drone could

2020-02-20 02:40:12 UTC  

The moon's diameter is 2,158 miles.

2020-02-20 02:40:19 UTC  

No its 2 cm

2020-02-20 02:40:24 UTC  


2020-02-20 02:40:26 UTC  


2020-02-20 02:40:30 UTC  

Look outside @solarstan yt

2020-02-20 02:40:36 UTC  

2020-02-20 02:40:44 UTC  


2020-02-20 02:41:00 UTC  

@Redrondy76 dude I'm litterly trolling

2020-02-20 02:41:05 UTC  

How can you not tell

2020-02-20 02:41:15 UTC  

oh wait hat