Message from @shaaf
Discord ID: 680173886251204831
a lot of things from school is engrained into us by repetition. Not necessarily taught how or why. We are just told it is or was
globeheads explain why it's always hottest in the equator, isn't the earth on a tilt?
yeah but the point of the equator is that it stays in the fcking middle
@He Cute true. The only way they cam reproduce that is with cropped photos
i think
The earth is hottest at the equator since it's furthest from the polar vortexes
@Scuricca_enterprise yes the equator is the middle
23.4. 90-23.4 = 66.6
the earth is flat
i do not believe the earth is flat due to the complexity of the surface area if we were to apply our modern day mathematical equations and scientific methods that are of course reproducible we still wouldnt have an accurate surface area or cirumference of this planet. so as a result i will look back to my scripture like the quran and bibles to see wot the people of the past say.
@He Cute camera field of view can affect surface dimensions, but I'm guessing the 2012 image is a composite.
phoney bologna
Equator is not hottest place on earth
Imagine being rarted and thinking the Earth is flat 🤡
@Citizen Z the core is
always thought the earth was a cube until now
Death valley is the hottest place
The core of the spherical Earth is the hottest place
Core is not real
😋 i like that word phoney ballogna
@Citizen Z sped boi
The equater is the hottest because the sun is almost directly over it
It's at the highest angle
where does the earths magnetic field come from then
Where does Hotland get it's power from?
Just imaginary to explain a model
Without the core
@shaaf it's been scientifically mathematically proven that the earth is flat
Dig down through the Earth and you won't fall through.
earths round
wait did i say the earth is flat
Earth isn't flat you numskull
i meant the earth is round