Message from @California Nightmare 3.0

Discord ID: 688177696550682654

2020-03-14 00:08:02 UTC  

Without data
Your claim is superfluous

2020-03-14 00:08:07 UTC  


2020-03-14 00:08:09 UTC  

Here we go

2020-03-14 00:08:17 UTC  

The sticks and shadows

2020-03-14 00:08:30 UTC  

Prove we are spinning on an axis flying through space in a vacuum

2020-03-14 00:08:33 UTC  


2020-03-14 00:08:42 UTC  

The only thing you did was giving personal attacks

2020-03-14 00:08:58 UTC  

I haven’t
I’m showing you flaws in your logic

2020-03-14 00:09:12 UTC  

I’m showing you the logical fallacies you have committed also

2020-03-14 00:09:24 UTC  

Admit it
You have no scientific evidence for a globe

2020-03-14 00:09:43 UTC  

All you have are logical fallacies and lies

2020-03-14 00:10:11 UTC  


2020-03-14 00:10:21 UTC  

so it's way past my bedtime. have a good one @California Nightmare 3.0

2020-03-14 00:10:28 UTC  

was great fun as always

2020-03-14 00:10:30 UTC  

Goodnight friend

2020-03-14 00:10:33 UTC  


2020-03-14 00:10:34 UTC  


2020-03-14 00:12:02 UTC  

You guys are the one's that just lie to proof your point

2020-03-14 00:12:16 UTC  

I asked PhD if he knew anything about cgi

2020-03-14 00:12:19 UTC  

He said yes

2020-03-14 00:12:28 UTC  

“Gravity has been proven to exist on the iss”
Don’t be a hypocrite

2020-03-14 00:12:33 UTC  

Asked him a very simple question and he didn't even know the answer

2020-03-14 00:12:41 UTC  

I’m not him

2020-03-14 00:12:50 UTC  

Say that when he’s here

2020-03-14 00:13:36 UTC  

do you guys believe in pressure?

2020-03-14 00:13:47 UTC  


2020-03-14 00:14:12 UTC  

pressure like the force on a object?

2020-03-14 00:14:24 UTC  

I guess

2020-03-14 00:15:20 UTC  

wait do you believe in gravity?

2020-03-14 00:16:07 UTC  

Define gravity

2020-03-14 00:16:44 UTC  

the attractive force caused by an object of mass

2020-03-14 00:17:05 UTC  

Ok so mass attracting mass
No I do not

2020-03-14 00:17:13 UTC  

why not

2020-03-14 00:17:24 UTC  

It’s unproven

2020-03-14 00:17:31 UTC  

There’s no science to back it up

2020-03-14 00:19:25 UTC  

so what do you think causes objects to fall?

2020-03-14 00:20:55 UTC  

I don’t know 100%
I would say density and a mix of electromagnetism

2020-03-14 00:22:08 UTC  

so the denser something is the higher the gravitational pull?

2020-03-14 00:26:29 UTC  

Well for a gravitonal pull to be a thing
Gravity must be a thing

2020-03-14 00:47:32 UTC  

well what is the shape of a bubble?

2020-03-14 03:04:04 UTC  
