Message from @coattailsandbowties
Discord ID: 524898990291157007
I guess the guys in WW1 had it worse anyway
Those are actually really good i have one @Lord King Murder Fuck
Did you know that water balloons were made to stop or delay Trench foot
DM me the code.
Pastebin it
Not 100% sure I'm allowed to do that ahaha
Then you're fuck son.
@coattailsandbowties Wonder what would happen if you used it on that lads foot
Probably fill the thing instantly
I can''t debug something I can't see.
I was just curious if you had any techniques
I mean
It's not that bad
Take an actual cheese grater to it
Thats a nice bungus
Until he points the camera at the ground
Then its bad
I've been tracking it with the profiler to track the code being parsed
Doing it like that is always gonna be fucking rank
You don't need dynamic SQL for what you're trying to do.
@Tea found it. A user was parsing a Cyrillic char through and we don't have anything to stop that apparently
Then make something that you can cycle it through with.
Company has old style systems that can only cope with a European character set
Some of our tools are written in foxpro
That's trash
I'm aware of how archaic everything is
Just such a shitty environment to work in
Actual butters
Don't even
A couple of a the team have only just got dual core pcs
Just buy your own.
I'd do
Or take a laptop in