Message from @_Domo
Discord ID: 524956870754959370
I hated all of it
Actually lying.
It's not gonna be as good as Last Airbender ofc
@sweatercowsandsass yeah I remember when 60mph was "fast"
yeh it becomes second nature
@Octavia mate 30mph to me feels fast
@_Domo It easily could have been better if the writers knew what they were doing
omg I love to cruise in the 80 and above range @sweatercowsandsass
Each one of their villains is sloppy
I genuinely feel like i'm speeding and i'm only going like 27
Well I'm Waiting for Jojo season to end
So I can binge it
I can relate to that
Anime is shite
There i said it
I have read all the parts except Jojolion
When you learn to drive
It is Sweater
some is okay, I like the miyazaki movies
Driving even like 25 kmph feels like im going to mow down people
But it;s fun
Fastest i've gone is 140Kmph
The only "anime" I like is Studio Ghibli movies and even then I dont think they really come under anime
They do tho
There's different stuff
I dunno.... most anime has sick and twisted plotlines
Anime is homo
Like that one where shes in love with her brother or something
There's the shitty big tiddy anime with a shit ton of fanservice
Which I hate
Or the one where the grandads a pedo
And there is some good stuff
Miyazaki was the head of studio ghibli
Watch Monster for example
sames, Spirited away, Princess Monoke, Porco Rosso, etc, but some of their stuff is also shite, like Kikis delivery was in the middle of watching it and thought, Why am I watching a movie about a wee girl on a broomstick who works as a postie? that killed it for me
Band suggestions please
Ghibli is great
@Kingdilph that was a good movie