Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 525109242009485313
We can ban socks all night
@LmaoMoni dm's i'm in bed on call with tshirt
is it ban time?
Craw, it's craw
That's fair enough, but I'm still here
my favorite time of the day
Aye <:YEET:437238618608762900> it
on my main
What is your opinion on stockings
Well you’re too scared to talk shit on your main
Did you just post an image of a limpdick severely autistic virgin redneck retard that currently tries to act like a woman
Merry early Christmas infidels
Hahahahaha they are a pure shitebag
@Deleted User lies n slandee
Just hind behind you keyboard
I love you too uwu
Isn’t that what you’re doing?
Why isn’t uwu a banned phrase
Be a man and talk shit 4 real 4 real like a proper homee like myself, keeping it real since 1996 ya beta know it’s ya boi
+ban @Deleted User "faggot sock account cunt!"
Lets go ahead then
I told you silly cunt
Didn't work
double spaces
Have you realised yet
I think the bot is slow tonight Dim, do it the old fashioned way
​Goodbye forever.
Hmm, I wonder who it could be
Fuckin used monster reborn on ya ass
Oh lol
what the fuck, how did I not know about that guy dim. Like just googled him and there is tons of shit I guess