Message from @ThatOneNiceGuy
Discord ID: 525360362221076481
In the middle east it's between 40-50%
with first cousin marriages
Yep, and with all the Pakistanis coming over to London
they come over get citizenship
No incest here
then they bring over there family
when i say family, I don't mean mother/fatheer/grandad
I mean cousins sister, secxond cousins
they bring over there whole family
What like 600 people?
So 1 person comes over and migrants
they bring between 10-15 of there "family"
For the past 20 years, we've allowed 300k people from Muslim countries
They make up 5% of our population
Once they get a foothold, the extended family can apply for easier educational visas
muslims in the UK make up 5 % of our population, yet with childrapists and grooming gangs 84% of them are muslim
Also in maxamium security prisons, Muslims make up 60% of the population
but yet only 5% bois :^)
And people wonder why everyone where in Europe is going populalist/nationalist :^)
Nah cunt, it's just cunts commiting crime
For example in Sweden
Rape increased by over 300%
dem damn facts is racist!!!
it increased and there was such a problem, music festivals where getting canceled
as the illiegal migrants would go there, in groups of 10-30 people
Did y’all hear about the CPD officers that were chasing a dude and got hit by a train and the guy they were chasing weren’t charged with their deaths? Thoughts?
and they would find one girl, rape her and moilest her but there would be a circle of them
so no one could go to help
There would be 20 ish muslim immigrants circling a singler swedish girl
and raping her
in a field
The more you know :^)
Anyway I'm going off to stream soon
Unrelated: did somebody actually fucking start a GoFundMe to build the wall?
peace my dudes :^)