Message from @Dahaka
Discord ID: 525463656838725705
I want weans
children shouldnt be planned
bwekfast @sweatercowsandsass
they should be a surprise
God's plan
Dazzie only wants wains so he can beast them
all wanted abortions should instead be signed straight up to the military, destroying the need to recruit, prove me wrong
what the actual fuck did I walk into
tbh, not a clue mate
@Pirate omg i need that hahaha
Ill beast someone alright
all my poor people got captured by cannibals
it happened
it actually happened
when did he sing that?
so im playing kenshi
i got up to 5 people in my town
cannibals came in, captured 4, and 1 guy fought enough off to make them flee
now ive got them all tied up on stakes, getting ready to be eaten, and ive got my one guy against maybe 80 of them
but, if i go during the night, and knock a few out, maybe I can disguisemyself as one of them
or I can get the prisoners to all sneak out at night and hope they dont find out
Thats tuff
My walls only got 3 Xbows on them, so I cant hold them off for long even if I get back to my home
so I may have to simply run away to a town
should have built a wall
I had a wall you melt
I'm fucking raging
But walls dont do much good against 80+ angry cannibals