Message from @Offbrand Shaggy
Discord ID: 525503070617075712
yo if u go to Steam head to the Store front and click on the little cottage It’s like one of those Christmas calendars instead of tiny chocolates it’s items and chocolate coins u can get
lmao metal fans
i still laugh at how much lo wang ffrom the most recent shadow warrior looks like rob halford
Burzum is nice
How the fuck do you know Burzum?
Monica likes Burzum
Just click that cabin
>not enjoying objectively the best genre of music
@saint bulmers shut it.
Burzum is great
Drum and bass master race
My fav is jeg faller
Dunkelheit is his best song. Ironically the most known.
Monica, are you counting down?
Metal is fine
Metal fans are spastics
this is relivant
where do we send them?
I like jeg faller more than dunkelheit
If it jiggles, it's fat.
Monica, you're legit counting down the days aren't you
I like Chvches, Pvris, and Paramore
Paramore. Rofl.
Shit band
welcome. back to like 2007
No, specifically you and Potato