Message from @T e x
Discord ID: 525907492639604752
Back of a spoon man
No knifes at all.
o damn i collect knives and shit
never moving there now
Dino. You're doing my nut in.
i got enough guns for everyone
Hive me
I hope so Tea.
I need
What does that mean.
I'll shoot you.
Jamie said no gun but i want gun
Gimme gun
It is implying I am glad that I am annoying you.
Jamie's right.
you are acting a bit manic monica so im going to wait a week and observe your behavior, i dont want you robbing a corner store or anything
Mate you're far worse.
Tex is a chad.
How am I worse.
Scottish dribbler you are.
Mate. I'll sit in chat and take all of you.
Nae mods.
Nae shitebagging
Na Tea you're just a wee melt you are.
Like a broken record you are.
Eco patter Dino.
Tea has got everyone on this server saying gimp and melt
Can I just pay to listen to you two go at it
jus sayin
Oh he has.