Message from @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
Discord ID: 277665053581377539
pepper-based weapons are legal and good
How so m8 <@277659503137390594>
They're smashing our heads with steel poles and we're talking about stink bombs
im larping
Im a fat fuck but im starting to lose weihgt
im not bring ingstink bombs
I have an automatc paintball gun, so steel poles cant even get close
high protein, high in unsaturated fats, no polyunsaturated fats, minimal saturated fats, low calories
Clean up after liberal riots. While wearing maga hats
drop weight, keep gains
How much can you faggots leg press?
imma go cholo with a maga bandana out my back pocket
can you call it a fight if its with a cuck?
i play paintball regularly
I squat. Leg press is for faggots
basic bitch here
<@277659503137390594> Wearing a mask would be good for protecting anonymity. It's not good for our image though, best case scenario we make a mask look good
get riot helmets
make it a USA bandana/facemask
that was my max back in HS, not sure now
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe Last time I did legpress I was doing two sets of 50 at 240 every day. I need to set it back up.
>Riot helmets
Should we read anarchist cook book?
That just seems like LARPing
everyone buy cop uniforms /s
face shield
3 sets of 20 at 400 here
it works
should have red/white/blue colors somewhere
and protects your face
Anarchist Cookbook is outdated, anyway
normies can't hate red/white/blue
Military colors are nice and all, but once it starts getting to military gear we start getting into LARP territory. Don't make us look pathetic
Also glasses would be nice, black glasses if you do wear them possibly?