Message from @21ooAB

Discord ID: 664102811771994114

2019-12-21 16:36:42 UTC  

Do you hang out with people of a different race than you?

😃 = Yes, all the time

🙂 = Yes, but only a few

😡 = No, I do not like other races

🤷‍♂️ = No, but it's because not many live nearby

2019-12-22 06:11:04 UTC  

Do you want a "self-improvement" channel where you can discuss personal issues relating to really anything, physical, emotional, medical, etc etc.?

👺 = No

<:luv:591451841045463041> = Yes

<:smug:591181720565579807> = Yes but make sure no crybabies

2019-12-22 06:12:12 UTC  

<@&587810072898306050> gib me ur clickkks

2019-12-23 02:32:43 UTC  

What should the punishment be for sexual offenders like rapists, pedophiles, etc

<:luv:591451841045463041> = They should be set free they really haven't done anything wrong

🔪 = Cut off their balls

<:aprimban:605968319400378395> = Hard manual labour; you wrong society you sure as hell better give something back to it

<:aaa:604871400825552906> = They should be shot and their body dragged through the streets

2019-12-23 02:34:16 UTC  

<@&587810072898306050> you get a poll and you get a poll and you get a poll

2019-12-23 03:04:22 UTC  

@sandwitch Stupid poll stupid options

2019-12-23 03:04:31 UTC  

You didn't even give people other options

2019-12-23 03:04:55 UTC  

prison, life sentence, therapy

You don't have to agree with a stance to put it as an option on a fucking poll

2019-12-23 16:25:20 UTC  

**What losing Presidential Candidate should have won?**

<:wtf:591182282648190986> = *Henry Clay, Whig Party, Promoter of Tariffs, Infrastructure, unified banking system*

<:goldpill:626276664837537833> = *William Jennings Bryan, promoter of Silver Standard, Populist, Social Conservative*

<:redpill:396572967842086912> = *Theodore Roosevelt, Progressive, Imperialist, all-around Badass*

<:bluepill:587797235195052080> = *Thomas E Dewey, Expected winner of 1948 election, liberal Republican*

👌 = *Barry Goldwater, lost in landslide to LBJ, wanted to end Vietnam Quickly, Libertarian, against Civil Rights Act (but not for racial reasons)*

<:surprise:603732115393085482> = *George Wallace, tried to cause electoral dealock, pledged to end desegregation, law and order, conservative southern Democrat*

<:Groyper:639989421168394250> = *Ross Perot, Third Party Candidate, won 19% of the Vote, Billionaire Business Magnet, promoted balanced budget, ending job outsourcing, direct democracy on political issues via referendums*

<:this:589769057000095745> = *Pat Buchahan, Economic Populist, Social Conservative, Talked about Demographic Displacement long before many of us were alive, friends with many Dissident Right Figures, won a primary against a Sitting President*

<:thisisepic:603729602137030657> = *Ron Paul, its Happening Meme, Libertarian, wanted to end birthright citizenship, wanted to balance budget, withdrawal from foreign wars, End the Fed*

2019-12-23 16:27:41 UTC  

<@&587810072898306050> Presidential Losers Poll

2019-12-26 18:58:47 UTC  

**Is NATO still necessary and needed post-cold war?**

🥳 = Yes.

<:what:591451631590178846> = Yes but it's powers reduced

⏰ = Yes but it needs reforming to the current state of the world

<:cringe:591181675426217995> = No.

2019-12-26 19:01:25 UTC  

<@&587810072898306050> Poll about everyone's favourite union

2019-12-28 21:44:28 UTC  

**If you've seen *The Rise of Skywalker*, how would you rate it?**

🔭 =Out of this world

✅ = Better than *The Last Jedi*

🆗 =Good movie

🤷‍♂️ = So-so movie

😟 = Didn't enjoy it

💰 = Corporate Cash-grab

🚮 = Overall Trash

❌ = Don't care/Not big into star wars

<@&587810072898306050> Recent movie Poll

2019-12-29 20:40:29 UTC  

Which side was more moral/justified during the cold war?
🇺🇸 = the USA and NATO
🇷🇺 = the USSR and the Warsaw Pact
🤷 = they were both as bad as each other

2019-12-29 20:41:54 UTC  


2020-01-02 05:42:10 UTC  

Do you want a "Parliament" style system implemented into the server, with Parties that vote on fictional legislation?

📜 = Yes

📑 = Yes, but keep it hidden unless you self-assign a role to see channels and roles related to parliament

⚰️ = No

2020-01-02 05:42:41 UTC  

@everyone MUH PING, give me your click

2020-01-03 02:01:19 UTC  

@everyone follow up on a parliament. Should there be a real parliament or a fictional one?
🗳️ = Real
📝 = Fake
📔 = Both

2020-01-03 02:01:54 UTC  

By "real" or "fake". It's asking do you want the parliament to make decisions that affect the server (real)

2020-01-03 02:02:07 UTC  

Or fictional decisions that are just like "ban outsourcing" (fictional)

2020-01-07 13:47:28 UTC  

**What will be the Age after the Information Age?**

2020-01-07 13:51:56 UTC  

<:gun:605969568971620352> = *The Domination of China*

<:redpill:591451582122557451> = *The Age of Western Balkanization*

👑 = *The Age of Caesearism*

🌙 = *The Age of Space Exploration*

<:blackpill:565703068478341151> = *The 100 Year Dark Age*

2020-01-07 13:53:23 UTC  

Civilizational Cycle Poll

2020-01-09 13:02:52 UTC  

**What game do you wish had an extra 6 months to a year of development time?**

<:gun:605969568971620352> = *New Vegas*

⚔️ = *Kotor 2*

<:thistbh:598749331193069568> = *Daggerfall*

<:Yes:639977935209627658> = *Mass Effect 3*

<:fbi:418878655822036994> = *Duke Nukem Forever*

<:hyperthink:591182142189338655> = *SW Battlefront 1(EA)*

2020-01-09 13:07:27 UTC  

**Which game developers do you respect?**

<:redpill:396572967842086912> = *Obsidian*

<:ahem:639979147782914084> = *Viceral*

<:Gun:639978512207314973> = *Id software*

⚔️ = *CD Projekt Red*

<:thistbh:598749331193069568> = *Paradox Interactive*

🐴 = *Creative Assembly*

2020-01-09 13:08:42 UTC  

@everyone Poll on Game Developers

2020-01-10 18:16:11 UTC  

If there is a war with Iran what do you believe the outcome will be?

<:smug:591181720565579807> - Iran is going to get fried and wasted. Never to recover.

<:NPC:591182668633473024> - America bad. To be destroyed by Iran. Iran Good. Islam Good.

🇨🇳 - China will step in and intervene forcing a peace.

🏴‍☠️ - Middle East will be completely ravaged by the war and America will forever regret it.

<:angery:605209422217871370> - Between China, Iran, Russia and America, World War 3 will start and the entire world will burn in a long and horrific Third World War that could escalate to nuclear.

💥- Nuclear Holocaust. Everyone dies.

2020-01-10 18:16:58 UTC  


2020-01-12 01:20:19 UTC  

Would you want a #music channel where you could post music files and links, and how often would you use/post in it?

🎵 = Yes - I would use it frequently

🎸 = Yes - I would use it moderately

📚 = Yes - I would use it occasionally

📻 = Yes - I wouldn't use it personally

🔕 = No

2020-01-12 01:24:19 UTC  

Would you want a more channels dedicated to specific topics? (e.x #philisophy, #science, #books, #chill, etc)

🌠 = Yes

🤦🏻‍♂️ = No

2020-01-12 01:29:59 UTC  

Do you want to see Voice Chat be a more focused on aspect of the server?

🎙️ = Yes - Make voice channels above the regular text channels for importance

🎤 = Yes - Hold VC-only server events

🎚️ = Yes

😶 = No

2020-01-12 01:42:49 UTC  

<@&587810072898306050> Some polls on ideas for the server. *More Soon*

2020-01-12 02:35:44 UTC  

Should teachers post student's grades publicly?

✍🏻 = Yes

🇫 = No

2020-01-12 02:40:12 UTC  

Should Democracies extend voting rights to migrant workers?

⛏️ = Yes

🔧 = Yes, and extend it to *all* migrants.

🚫 = No

2020-01-12 02:46:38 UTC  

Should Judges Be Elected?

👨🏻‍⚖️ = No

💡 = No, but they should have public oversight

🗳️ = Yes

2020-01-12 02:56:21 UTC  

What is more important to prioritize?

💸 = GDP Growth

⚖️ = Reducing income inequality

🔬 = Scientific and Technological Innovation

📖 = Education

🏡 = Lifting the Living Standard / Reducing Poverty

⚙️ = Fixing Unemployment

🤷🏻‍♂️ = Other

2020-01-12 02:58:46 UTC  

Is technological progress slowing down?

👨🏻‍💻 = No -We are advancing at the same speed we have been for the last 40 years

📉 = Yes - We are still advancing, but the rate is no longer exponential

<:aaa:604871400825552906> = Yes - Collapse is inevitable

2020-01-12 03:00:45 UTC  

Should interns be paid?

👷🏻 = The entire concept of "interns" should be abolished

💰 = Yes

🤑 = Yes, but at a lower pay than min. wage

<:cringe:591181675426217995> = No

2020-01-12 03:02:37 UTC  

<@&587810072898306050> A Total of **9** new polls today, make sure to vote on all of them!

2020-01-12 20:20:34 UTC  

Should Supreme Court Justices be able to be removed via popular referendum?

🗳️ = Yes

👨🏻‍⚖️ = No

🏛️ = Be able to be removed, but by a 2/3 vote of Congress

👩🏻‍⚖️ = Be able to be removed, but by a 2/3 vote of the other members of the Supreme Court

2020-01-12 20:27:41 UTC  

Do Governments have an obligation to provide housing for their citizens?

🏘️ = Yes

🏠 = Yes - Use a public works program and/or subsidies

🏨 = Yes - State constructed blocks like in eastern Europe as they are efficient

🏡 = Yes - Provide high-quality housing to the citizens as itll make them more productive

💰 = No

💸 = No, but enact more regulations on the housing market to price fairer