Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 659830632775417856

2019-12-26 18:48:40 UTC  

<:Noose:230120460388401152> <:Shiiet:236958713418612736>

2019-12-26 18:48:44 UTC  


2019-12-26 18:48:47 UTC  

Welfare helps the lazy and unproductive

2019-12-26 18:48:49 UTC  


2019-12-26 18:48:52 UTC  


2019-12-26 18:48:53 UTC  

Take it up with Maksim when he comes online now take this to <#587015719141507102>

2019-12-26 18:48:55 UTC  

any who says biased is a libtard

2019-12-26 18:48:58 UTC  

What about subsidizing working families with 2+ children?

2019-12-26 18:49:00 UTC  

@21ooAB How do you decide what "productive" is?

2019-12-26 18:49:15 UTC  

@Deleted User Are you married? Do you have children? Do you work full time?

2019-12-26 18:49:26 UTC  

, >libtard
Actual degen

2019-12-26 18:49:39 UTC  

You can filter out applicants for financial assistance by providing a list of questions determining their current status.

2019-12-26 18:49:43 UTC  

Yes cus libtards arent well known for being heavily biased

2019-12-26 18:49:48 UTC  

none of those things can tell if you are productive

2019-12-26 18:49:54 UTC  

Druggies and layabouts should not be entitled to welfare.

2019-12-26 18:50:00 UTC  


2019-12-26 18:50:15 UTC  

Anybody who says libtard needs to look in the mirror

2019-12-26 18:50:20 UTC  

@Forescorn πŸŽ„ final warning take this to a different channel and stop going on about it

2019-12-26 18:50:43 UTC  

<:pepeblack:648116331471831052> s on this server

2019-12-26 18:51:05 UTC  

Good riddance

2019-12-26 18:51:21 UTC  


2019-12-26 18:51:31 UTC  

Haha what a dumbass

2019-12-26 18:51:55 UTC

2019-12-26 18:52:07 UTC  

That’s heretical!

2019-12-26 18:52:11 UTC  

Hurr Hurr if I spam the nword am I funni guys

2019-12-26 18:52:18 UTC  


2019-12-26 18:52:41 UTC  

Ok nigwad

2019-12-26 18:52:43 UTC  

@Deleted User He’s probably another one of those libertarian turds who frequents The Donald on Reddit.

2019-12-26 18:52:46 UTC  

LiBtARd bIaS bEcAUsE i cANt n WoRd

2019-12-26 18:53:00 UTC  

Lmao he is

2019-12-26 18:53:02 UTC  


2019-12-26 18:54:51 UTC  

Yeah I've yet to meet a libertarian that I like other than Ron Paul

2019-12-26 18:59:16 UTC  

Yeah tbh

2019-12-26 18:59:25 UTC  

Libertarians are very soft core

2019-12-26 19:15:02 UTC  

Lower taxes and increased government spending increases real output almost proportional to price increases

2019-12-26 19:16:13 UTC  

So it depends on which you value more: inflation being high but output being high, or inflation being low but productivity being low as well

2019-12-26 19:16:29 UTC  

Its pretty much a balancing act when it comes down to it

"Does welfare really help people get out of poverty or does it just encourage laziness?"

Depends on the welfare. Generally speaking (in the U.S.), no. Someone receiving food stamps and disability isn't going to be able to afford their rent, healthcare, or education, much less provide for their family (if they have one). There's still a great incentive to be productive and have a job, because it simply isn't possible to live entirely on welfare under most circumstances. It is possible if you budget and already own your home, etc.
Under ideal circumstances (ideal, in my view, which you may very well disagree with), the government should provide enough welfare to live comfortably on, as well as even basic housing, which could be accomplished relatively cheaply with 3D-printing.

I still don't think it'd make people lazy. Most people need some fulfillment, which is a social life, job, or drugs, etc. People will still want to work. However, automation will force job loss and cause a need for more welfare anyway.
But besides that, I also believe people should be able to take a break for college, mental health, or whatever else and not be forced to suffer so badly financially.

2019-12-26 20:16:05 UTC  

maybe the poor should just die

2019-12-26 20:16:54 UTC  


2019-12-26 20:20:43 UTC  

Its simple really.
imprison the destitute and homeless to use as slaves. Gather in quantity all the mentally retarded, grind them into meat supplements that will feed the slaves.