Message from @Obama_Bin_Laden

Discord ID: 681898886562185346

2020-02-25 14:54:23 UTC  

To 300,000

2020-02-25 14:55:05 UTC  

And Europeans, with a quota system, would make up a good chunk of it

2020-02-25 14:57:42 UTC  

main reason people come is due to gibs
I think there will be less migration from bad countries tough integration is still going to be bad due to the ethnic enclaves that are already here.

2020-02-25 14:59:08 UTC  

I'm not sure if it'll impact migration overall due to smart people going to the US or companies wanting cheap labor from places like Mexico.
If you really want to impact it then you need to enforce those policies retroactively.

2020-02-25 15:02:07 UTC  

@Niveusater American culture is Anglo-Germanic.
The US was tamed by the anglos and build by the Germanics.
If anyone wants to live in the US they need to adapt to that culture.
The difference is that Americans had their ancestors build and possibly defend the nation.
Some guy from Somalia that stepped of the plane two weeks ago has no real ties to the country beyond a piece of paper.

2020-02-25 15:37:39 UTC  

These people already come to escape there horrible conditions in there own countries. They don’t have much and will probably resort to welfare. These people aren’t lazy leeches, most are hard working people and we shouldn’t punish there poverty

2020-02-25 15:39:24 UTC  

Plus many people I know come from Central America and Cuba and they are just as American as me

2020-02-25 15:51:35 UTC  

Another country being shit isn't my problem.
There is also no easy way to vet actual refugees and people that just want free shit or plan to export their horrible culture.
If you import third worlders you import third world problems.

2020-02-25 16:02:27 UTC  

@Obama_Bin_Laden You’re not American if you’re a social democrat imo

2020-02-25 16:03:55 UTC  

And quite frankly, the Know Nothings, aside from their anti-catholicism, were right

2020-02-25 16:04:45 UTC  

@21ooAB what were the standpoints of the Know Nothings?

2020-02-25 16:06:12 UTC  

How am I not American I’ve i was born here and lived here for 90% of my life

2020-02-25 16:06:32 UTC  

@21ooAB you didn't even ping qotd properly

2020-02-25 16:06:45 UTC  

Don't bother people will get pissed with double pings

2020-02-25 16:07:16 UTC  


2020-02-25 16:11:47 UTC  

A big percentage of Americans are believe social democracy are they all not Americans

2020-02-25 16:12:19 UTC  


2020-02-25 16:13:26 UTC  

The Right Cafe said social democrats aren’t American

2020-02-25 16:18:55 UTC  

@Obama_Bin_Laden neither are Republicans

2020-02-25 16:19:19 UTC  

"America" isn't a legitimate nation anymore

2020-02-25 16:22:43 UTC  

Are you some Sovereign Citizen

2020-02-25 16:42:27 UTC  

America aka US of A was NEVER a nation but a corporation and a social experiment

2020-02-25 16:42:57 UTC  

U kids have a lot of catching up to do

2020-02-25 16:46:02 UTC  

ok bud

2020-02-25 16:47:40 UTC  

Mate are you ok

2020-02-25 16:51:02 UTC  

America’s have laws, a government, Popular Sovereignty and Most American citizens and acknowledge and support it’s existence

2020-02-25 16:51:25 UTC  

What metric do you use to say it’s illegitimate

2020-02-25 16:51:31 UTC  

Sorry liberals, the USA is real

2020-02-25 17:25:43 UTC  

I’m a liberal and I’m happy America exists

2020-02-25 17:38:50 UTC  

Last time i heard America is a nation

2020-02-25 17:58:36 UTC  

I think it's a bit of both
Part of what makes America an experiment is that it's a nation with no real roots.
The nation was created by Anglos and unlike Europe there is no long linneage of monarchs.
There was talk of appointing a king at some point but they were worried that Europe would just make fun of him.

2020-02-25 18:14:55 UTC  

America was founded off the ideas of liberty it doesn’t need a king

2020-02-25 18:15:09 UTC  

Kings don’t mean legitimacy

2020-02-25 18:15:28 UTC  

Is India not a legit nation

2020-02-25 18:33:31 UTC  

@Obama_Bin_Laden U.S is not a nation

2020-02-25 18:34:17 UTC  

A nation is of common culture language and heritage. The u.s does not currently meet these criteria and is thus not a nation

2020-02-25 18:34:24 UTC  

And colonial America was far superior

2020-02-25 18:34:34 UTC  

Lots of local theocratic states

2020-02-25 18:46:48 UTC  

America is a nation of common heritage, everyone came to America with a dream and a goal and people mixed culture into America

2020-02-25 18:47:10 UTC  

Everyone had a someone similar story

2020-02-25 18:56:48 UTC  

@Obama_Bin_Laden That's not similar culture