Message from @valencia/Vaida
Discord ID: 688081462821519389
Our school does a think where you go into a job field in 12th grade for 2 months
People usually learn life skills by passed on knowledge
it might be cancelled this year
due to corona
I don't have school cancelled.
School's goin' about.
my country dc about Corona since there's like 20 completely isolated cases
in total
and that's 5700 KM east of me
Trade school should start 10-12th grade
Students should decide on their paths in Year 10-11.
Trades, sciences, other subjects etc
have more applied schools for certain subjects
Kindegarten - > Elementary School - > Pre Applied Prep in Year 8 and 9
Year 10 is Applied School to year 12.
Applied Schools focus strictly on subjects and core life values.
ie: Applied School of Medicine for Year 10-12 students.
anyone get what I'm saying?
I agree as well
Education should have strictly strong funding.
Canadians complain that education cuts are harmful to public schools
but let's be real
their school systems are never as hands on as some other countries schools
Russian School systems, korean ones, japanese ones, some specialized American ones
America did have hands on
Students never learn without getting their hands dirty.
all this theory in reality is useless if they don't know how to apply it.
I'm a 3rd Year Medical Undergraduate, my school system was super hands on.
that's how talent is formed.
a wise man once said that knowledge not applied is futile.
why do you think that European countries produce some of the best global engineers?
Schools prompt them to try.
It's why Jews from Russia did exceptionally well in school bearing the idea that they won't get accepted anywhere unless they're the best, and even then it would be super difficult
since Jews in the USSR were pretty much spat on and called k*kes.
the students of nowadays never really lived in bad conditions
by bad conditions I don't mean having your phone taken for a month
I'm talking about 320 square foot Khruschevkas with no ventilation, barely enough food for the table, and etc