Message from @!?_Quantum_Physics
Discord ID: 690066924700172289
Plus; Monkeyman is right in a way
***In a way***
Christianity made Rome great, and made it fall
It made it gau
Constantine I comes to mind
Just keep the chat to the qotd and not family stuff ok
Constantinr was gay
Constantine was a bit kooky
I like diocletian
fk off rules
Diocletian made the mistake of creating a tetrarchy
I fell Rome fell due to the oppression of The Jewish people.
The Jewish people barely played a role in Rome past 80 AD
Titus had a Jewish affair
Yes, but a chain reaction.
Like a butterfly effect.
Jews were all over Rome
Jews are gay
I mean, Judea.
Modern Jews disappoint me.
The resources spent suppressing them.
Jews in general disappoint me
Put em in camps
> Modern Jews disappoint me.
@Miriam Twitter Jews.
You know what I mean.
> Jews in general disappoint me
> Put em in camps
Pro - LGBT Jews that don’t even observe.
Miriam are you a tranny
Those Jews disappoint me
Miriam this is right?cafe
Whar do you expect
From right wingers
Yes i love jews