Message from @Spicy

Discord ID: 690320046438088795

2020-03-19 21:55:25 UTC  

And how they usher in peace and prosperity.

2020-03-19 21:56:40 UTC  

Or a film about a global pandemic and how Israel develops the cure.

2020-03-19 21:56:48 UTC  

Nevermind, that's actually happening.

2020-03-19 22:00:34 UTC  

I actually had plans for a novel set in the late 1970's featuring a world were the Axis won WWII and got involved in a cold war with the USSR but I never really got around to actually writing it beyond the setting.

2020-03-19 22:01:14 UTC  

You mean like Alternate History?

2020-03-19 22:01:31 UTC  

I think alt history can be used to explore interesting poltiical concepts

2020-03-19 22:01:46 UTC  

Well, it could be interesting, um especially if you set up a point of divergence.

2020-03-19 22:02:12 UTC  

tough the biggest examples in recent memory aren't that well executed.
Wolfenstein used it mostly for "cool dieselpunk tech" and not really as a commentary of National-Socialism.

2020-03-19 22:04:02 UTC  

Essentially Spain and Turkey join the axis early on. Britain is blocked from the Mediterranean and has a tougher time in Africa, allowing Italy and Turkey to win in Egypt and the middle east.

Turkey then moves up the Caucasus and secures more oil for the German war machine. With the Soviets knocked out, Germany destroys the attempted landing in France, and combined with the medditerrean fleets builds up a massive navy to starve Britain out.

2020-03-19 22:04:19 UTC  

oh you mean how the axis won?

2020-03-19 22:04:31 UTC  

The United States is made to sign a cease fire, with Germany or Britain would face a genocide, so they sign it.

2020-03-19 22:04:51 UTC  


2020-03-19 22:04:52 UTC  

I hadn't 100% planned it out yet but it involved alternative politicians getting into power or civil wars.
The US almost joined the Axis in WWII

2020-03-19 22:04:53 UTC  


2020-03-19 22:04:55 UTC  


2020-03-19 22:04:57 UTC  


2020-03-19 22:05:03 UTC  


2020-03-19 22:05:11 UTC  


2020-03-19 22:05:12 UTC  


2020-03-19 22:05:17 UTC  


2020-03-19 22:05:24 UTC  

this is for you

2020-03-19 22:05:27 UTC  


2020-03-19 22:05:28 UTC  


2020-03-19 22:05:29 UTC  

So in the 1970's Hitler is aged, has several health issues, and is trying to hold together the alliance that is the axis.

2020-03-19 22:05:41 UTC  

Turkey is under siege by islamists.

2020-03-19 22:05:53 UTC  

Franco is aged too.

2020-03-19 22:05:54 UTC  

@Miriam can i cum inside of you

2020-03-19 22:06:25 UTC  

I hadn't thought about Hitler yet tough I think by that time he would have appointed a successor.
The main focus would be in a pangermanic state.

2020-03-19 22:06:35 UTC  

that wet pussy

2020-03-19 22:06:36 UTC  

Mussolini is assassinated by partisan communists, but in his favor comes a young general to oversee this Italian empire.

2020-03-19 22:06:41 UTC  

when i touch that wet pussy

2020-03-19 22:06:42 UTC  


2020-03-19 22:06:46 UTC  

it feels so good

2020-03-19 22:06:47 UTC  


2020-03-19 22:07:02 UTC  

He is comparable to Caesar.

2020-03-19 22:07:46 UTC  

And, The Germans, Spanish, and Italians are at odds with each other. As is the British Fascist Puppet State under Mosely.

2020-03-19 22:08:06 UTC  

I think I also shifted some events as mirrors.
Like the Vietnam war being fought in Indonesia.

2020-03-19 22:08:06 UTC  

And the Soviets have violated their treaty and have been militarizing in the urals.

2020-03-19 22:08:11 UTC  

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Spicy#5985 has been warned., Stop NSFW content in a serious channel.***

2020-03-19 22:08:33 UTC  

The Americans defeat Japan, and the Soviets kick them out of Siberia and other regions.

2020-03-19 22:09:18 UTC  

The Soviets are biding their time to sweep up the remains of the axis if they declare war on each other.

Hitler, now very elderly and feeble, once a man of war, must be the man of peace.