Message from @Dyno

Discord ID: 693927647989858315

2020-03-29 20:58:11 UTC  

The rich like Jeff Bezos just hoard their money providing no benefit for society

2020-03-29 20:58:29 UTC  

Taxation is theft, but if we need taxes then a very low flat tax

2020-03-29 20:58:38 UTC  

> The U.S econonmy was the strongest for the middle class during a period in time in which the top tax bracket was at 90% @Mont
@Maksim hm

2020-03-29 20:58:44 UTC  

@BOOGALOO BOI Flat Tax has literally never worked in history

2020-03-29 20:58:46 UTC  

Just like communism

2020-03-29 20:58:48 UTC  

It's a pipe dream

2020-03-29 20:58:56 UTC

2020-03-29 20:58:56 UTC  

but well, it's more fair flat taxation

2020-03-29 20:59:02 UTC  


2020-03-29 20:59:05 UTC  

when the percentage is maintained

2020-03-29 20:59:11 UTC  


2020-03-29 20:59:14 UTC  

There is no taxation in north korea

2020-03-29 20:59:28 UTC  

@BOOGALOO BOI Great Example, my bad bro

2020-03-29 20:59:44 UTC  

@Mont It isnt

2020-03-29 20:59:50 UTC  

But their people are happy, isn't that what matters

2020-03-29 20:59:54 UTC  

> @Mont It isnt
@Maksim why, again

2020-03-29 20:59:58 UTC  

Very low taxes for the poor, low taxes for the middle class, medium sized taxes for the upper-middle class, high taxes for the rich, very high taxes for the top 1%. Tax limit should be at 50%.

2020-03-29 21:00:00 UTC  

@aura <:shoot:591451983647473707> <:NPC:591182668633473024>

2020-03-29 21:00:31 UTC  

man do not @ me you cuckold

2020-03-29 21:00:34 UTC  

The 1% pay 90% of us budget, we don't need to raise their taxes

2020-03-29 21:00:43 UTC  

2020-03-29 21:00:50 UTC  

Lets say the flat tax was 33% - 33% to someone who only makes 10,000 a year is 3,333 - which can be the difference between eating and not eating. 30% to someone who makes 10,000,000 is 3,333,333, they can live off 7 million just fine

2020-03-29 21:00:53 UTC  
2020-03-29 21:00:54 UTC  

so like, the poor pays 1%, the middle class 5%, the upper class 25% and the top 1% pays 50%? @Maksim

2020-03-29 21:01:03 UTC  


2020-03-29 21:01:10 UTC  

boogaloo boi i think i know someone that shares your name

2020-03-29 21:01:29 UTC  

@Mont No i disagree with that system

2020-03-29 21:01:44 UTC  


2020-03-29 21:01:45 UTC  

We should tax the wealthy more than the common man

2020-03-29 21:01:47 UTC  

calling taxation theft is a lazy comparison

2020-03-29 21:01:53 UTC  

but i described progressive tax

2020-03-29 21:02:01 UTC  

I said steeply progressive tax

2020-03-29 21:02:07 UTC  


2020-03-29 21:02:09 UTC  

90% for the top bracket

2020-03-29 21:02:15 UTC  

What the fuck?

2020-03-29 21:02:25 UTC  

Implement these taxes, and you wouldn't have any top bracket.

2020-03-29 21:02:33 UTC  

That's what the U.S had during the most prosperous time in U.S history for the middle class

2020-03-29 21:02:35 UTC  

Maybe a 50%

2020-03-29 21:02:36 UTC  

So incorrect

2020-03-29 21:02:37 UTC  

Very utopian and unrealistic of you.

2020-03-29 21:02:41 UTC  
