Message from @Sentient23

Discord ID: 686751387799126069

2020-03-10 01:41:06 UTC  

i will leave this convo

2020-03-10 01:41:11 UTC  


2020-03-10 01:41:15 UTC  

I agree. I called out the fallacy and then insulted him

2020-03-10 01:41:22 UTC  

and i stand by my insult

2020-03-10 01:41:33 UTC  

keep arguing with yourself at this point

2020-03-10 01:41:39 UTC  

He is weak if he cannot address my argument so he has to resort to attacking a false representation of my argument

2020-03-10 01:41:52 UTC  

so its a correct representation

2020-03-10 01:42:00 UTC  

Insulting people doesn't help you get your point across

2020-03-10 01:42:04 UTC  

> i will leave this convo

2020-03-10 01:42:21 UTC  

I already got my point accross prior to insulting

2020-03-10 01:42:37 UTC  

Also i wouldn't say weakling is much of an insult

2020-03-10 01:42:41 UTC  

can you read?

2020-03-10 01:42:57 UTC  

Not everything written by me is about you you absolute socially inept....

2020-03-10 01:43:21 UTC  

you may need to seek mental help

2020-03-10 01:43:46 UTC  


2020-03-10 01:43:49 UTC  

People with big egos do, so i suggest you stop projecting about others having mental problems

2020-03-10 01:43:57 UTC  

How fucking egotistical are you

2020-03-10 01:44:08 UTC  

You wasted an hour and a half

2020-03-10 01:44:27 UTC  

You do know that right

2020-03-10 01:44:44 UTC  

And now when I grow annoyed enough to leave the conversation

2020-03-10 01:44:50 UTC  

Oh there he goes again making a staatement i already rebutted
here ill copy paste it for you huh?
> I'm not doing this for my ego buddy. I'm doing this to establish whether or not continuing a conversation with you is worth it. Simple
> If you cannot concede something minor, i have no reason to believe you will be able to concede something major, if i point out a contradiction

2020-03-10 01:44:53 UTC  

dont pester me to come back

2020-03-10 01:45:08 UTC  

Oh I won't. I've already established you're close minded and to be avoided

2020-03-10 01:45:17 UTC  

And I've already slapped you around pretty good in here

2020-03-10 01:45:30 UTC  

Why did you keep going

2020-03-10 01:45:36 UTC  

Why did you keep going then

2020-03-10 01:45:37 UTC  


2020-03-10 01:45:43 UTC  

just stfu

2020-03-10 01:45:53 UTC  

I'm not taking an order from a literal weakling

2020-03-10 01:46:05 UTC  


2020-03-10 01:46:13 UTC  


2020-03-10 01:46:24 UTC  

Wow what, just shut it florida, he's been arrogant and irrational while insulting me thru out this entire discussion

2020-03-10 01:46:40 UTC  

If anyone's insulting, it's you

2020-03-10 01:46:55 UTC  

You're the one that derailed the damn argument

2020-03-10 01:46:58 UTC  

Nice way to perfectly describe yourself

2020-03-10 01:47:05 UTC  

you overlook him telling me to shut the fuck up while continually being irrational and arrogant, you don't utter a word, but ONE sign of "muh" and you're gasping

2020-03-10 01:47:22 UTC  

I said "he's" not "I'm" you illiteratel...

2020-03-10 01:47:23 UTC  

Projection much?

2020-03-10 01:47:24 UTC  

It’s irrational to debate someone over the worth of debating them

2020-03-10 01:47:30 UTC  


2020-03-10 01:47:34 UTC  
