Message from @Potato is me

Discord ID: 691542566616825906

2020-03-21 19:45:52 UTC  

it's like calling the US "Washington"

2020-03-21 20:50:40 UTC  

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Ronin#2310 has been warned., Keep non-philosophical matters out of this channel.***

2020-03-23 00:16:31 UTC  

<@&682288520680964151> Daily Question:
Will the world be a better place if caste and religion cease to exist?

2020-03-23 00:17:08 UTC  


2020-03-23 00:17:12 UTC  

I like the world

2020-03-23 00:17:30 UTC  

Well, all aspects of the world would benefit from that, except for morality. Unless we find something else to stick to morally, like the law or something like that, then the world would become very immoral.

2020-03-23 00:18:23 UTC  

@Koninos how would all aspects of the world benefit?

2020-03-23 00:19:45 UTC  

Religion is a tool to control people, really. It hasn't benefitted humanity that much. It brought death, hatred and disunity. So its absence would affect only the moral aspect of the world.

2020-03-23 00:21:19 UTC  

<:really:591181753625083905> lmao

2020-03-23 00:38:10 UTC  


2020-03-23 00:50:46 UTC  

Bring back ancestor veneration.

2020-03-23 00:51:12 UTC  

Tell stories of your grandfather, your great uncle, your fearsome Aunt

2020-03-23 00:51:34 UTC  

Anybody in your family worth telling stories about.

2020-03-23 00:55:18 UTC  

because people will find other things to be dicks about
humans are also hard wired to establish some kind of hierarchy.

2020-03-23 00:59:30 UTC  

R/Atheism above

2020-03-23 01:20:34 UTC  

Religion is the original social construct.

2020-03-23 01:38:45 UTC  

it's a social construct with a practical application

2020-03-23 01:39:17 UTC  

the only social construct is thinking religion is a social construct

2020-03-23 06:00:33 UTC  

1. It would seem that it is at least possible to live a better or worse life,
2. If life were better off dead then the bloodline of organisms which prefer non-being would be self-limiting and select themselves out of being,
3. Hence being is good, and being well is best;
4. Every organism is endowed with certain capacities and forms, and these particular capacities and forms must exist because they are some approximation of the "objective laws" by which the universe operates (if your bloodline was not reflective of the objective laws of the universe, they would have been self-limiting and also select themselves out of being),
5. so fulfilling the capacities unique to human beings that allow us to partake in Eternal is objectively Good (or objectively in our self-interest),
6. and it would seem that our natures/souls (our capacities and forms) are fixed,
7. so the laws through which we partake in the Eternal (or best engender our particular human nature) are fixed as well,
8. hence for every particular nature there are a particular set of laws that, if broken, bring no True Good for the lawbreaker.
9. AKA - morality is objective

2020-03-23 06:14:00 UTC  

2020-03-23 07:03:16 UTC  

What is what

2020-03-23 07:03:38 UTC  

Why is what

2020-03-23 07:03:51 UTC  

What is the reason my forehead is huge

2020-03-23 07:03:59 UTC  

Why is my life

2020-03-23 07:04:03 UTC  

Why is my

2020-03-23 07:04:06 UTC  

What is my

2020-03-23 07:04:08 UTC  


2020-03-23 08:39:30 UTC  

*hit blunt*
What is even nothing when there is not a when or "a" at all or a "even" or a "or"?
Answer: nothing

2020-03-23 08:42:03 UTC  

If nothingness is truly nothingness, does this means nothingness is devoided of all concepts including that which is non-concepts?
If it exists then it doesn't, if it doesn't then it does or better yet, it isn't

2020-03-23 08:43:03 UTC  

Realization of such Grandness will result in the Path to name the God who is transcending and beyond of such thing

2020-03-23 08:44:32 UTC  

Humanity will be driven to madness as they dive into something they pridefully believe they will understand despite it being beyond their reach
Madness will either result in Accepting or worse, Death

2020-03-23 12:28:22 UTC  

Thats not a forehead.

2020-03-23 12:28:53 UTC  

That is a five-, maybe a five-and-a-half- head.

2020-03-24 00:53:14 UTC  

<@&682288520680964151> Should you read Das Capital or the Communist Manifesto first?

2020-03-24 00:53:28 UTC  


2020-03-24 00:53:38 UTC  

Communist manifesto is worthless

2020-03-24 00:53:48 UTC  

Literally a 30 page or so pamphlet

2020-03-24 00:54:04 UTC  

Even if you arent a commie capital is alright

2020-03-24 00:54:04 UTC  

Read Lenin

2020-03-24 00:54:16 UTC  

Das Kapital.

2020-03-24 00:54:17 UTC  

All of his pamphlets and overall works are more fulfilling