Message from @Sentient23

Discord ID: 669798211526852608

2020-01-23 06:54:51 UTC  

He would still have the divine within him

2020-01-23 06:55:14 UTC  

Also you're literally the one who's autistic here, you can't decipher basic sarcasm and are thinking everything that's said in this chat is about you, its not

2020-01-23 06:55:28 UTC  

You tagged me just because you were an autist who thought my message had any connection to you

2020-01-23 06:56:58 UTC  

this is just sad to watch man

2020-01-23 06:57:03 UTC  


2020-01-23 06:57:05 UTC  

are all christians this fucking stupid

2020-01-23 06:57:05 UTC  

just stop being autistic

2020-01-23 06:57:21 UTC  

pls stop identifying as natsoc

2020-01-23 06:57:26 UTC  

you're painting bad image on them

2020-01-23 06:57:29 UTC  

why are you still coping

2020-01-23 06:57:41 UTC  

self awareness alert? lol

2020-01-23 06:57:48 UTC  

lmao christianity and ns or fascism are literally incompatible

2020-01-23 06:57:53 UTC  

Mussolini and Hitler hated christians

2020-01-23 06:57:57 UTC  

Gentile thought they were retarded

2020-01-23 06:58:03 UTC  

Hegel would probably fucking agree too

2020-01-23 06:58:30 UTC  

they can all suck my dick

2020-01-23 06:58:34 UTC  

idc about them

2020-01-23 06:58:41 UTC  

please stop identifying as fascist

2020-01-23 06:58:44 UTC  

you give them a bad name

2020-01-23 06:58:53 UTC  

please stop existing

2020-01-23 06:58:57 UTC  

youre giving humans a bad name

2020-01-23 06:59:29 UTC  

Im gonna be the bigger person here and let you win. Tell your mom im sorry. <:oh:603773792673595405>

2020-01-23 07:00:02 UTC  

your mom jokes

2020-01-23 07:00:03 UTC  


2020-01-23 07:00:05 UTC  

is this 2006

2020-01-23 07:11:44 UTC  

@Ginnungagap exactly. I’m not sure the specifics on Mussolini’s views but Hitler considered Christianity a feeble religion and incompatible with Fascism. He actually viewed Islam in a much more positive light

2020-01-23 07:12:15 UTC  

Nice to see someone who understands this as oppose to all the larpers who want a fascist Christian theocracy or whatever

2020-01-23 07:13:23 UTC  

Wrt Gentile I doubt this dude even knows who that is lol

2020-01-23 07:21:15 UTC  

Yeah I always assumed people kind of knew it

2020-01-23 07:21:18 UTC  
2020-01-23 07:21:57 UTC  

Hitler has a quote about crushing Judaism Christianity and Bolshevism under his boot like a poisonous toad

2020-01-23 07:25:50 UTC  

yeah he had a few good takes on Christianity. You can really tell which fascists today have read up on what they are talking about and which ones havent based on their views on religion

2020-01-23 07:26:08 UTC  

i find it extremely hard to take the christian clerical "fascists" seriously

2020-01-23 07:26:37 UTC  

I find it hard to take Christians serious

2020-01-23 07:27:22 UTC  

``` "You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"```

- Adolf Hitler

2020-01-23 07:28:21 UTC  

The only good thing Islam did was make Abrahamic faith radical

2020-01-23 07:28:36 UTC  

Only thing Roman Catholics did well too

2020-01-23 07:39:14 UTC  

@Eno are you falangist or Natsyn or something?

2020-01-23 07:43:48 UTC  

i just consider myself a fascist but i do have a lot of respect for Jose Antonio and the Falange @Ginnungagap

2020-01-23 07:44:20 UTC  

Oh you had the syndicalist tag so I didn’t know

2020-01-23 07:44:35 UTC  

I’m eh and a synarchist