Message from @Ater Votum

Discord ID: 686297979661058177

2020-03-08 19:29:20 UTC  

@Florida Man no mary was either roman or southern french

2020-03-08 19:30:58 UTC  

Are you sure?

2020-03-08 19:33:20 UTC  

yes im sure, you have to take into account that the romans brought in a shit ton of people while they occupied the region which was for hundreds of years. Not only that greeks also inhabited that region

2020-03-08 19:35:22 UTC  

it makes no sense to assume jesus was a kike just because current kikes occupy the area

2020-03-08 19:38:09 UTC  

[Isis] is also called Meri, {Sea-Queen} below.

2020-03-08 19:38:25 UTC  

As above [The father], so below [the mother]

2020-03-08 19:41:32 UTC  

**Religion Question.** đŸ”–
- *Should we let God do the "killing," or are we required to do the "killing" on his behalf? Why?*

2020-03-08 19:41:35 UTC  


2020-03-08 19:41:52 UTC  


2020-03-08 19:42:03 UTC  

Let him

2020-03-08 19:42:09 UTC  

The latter is permitted

2020-03-08 19:42:24 UTC  


2020-03-08 19:42:25 UTC  

Capital punishment is compatible with Christianity

2020-03-08 19:42:30 UTC  

its legitimate

2020-03-08 19:42:30 UTC  

@Eoppa On?

2020-03-08 19:42:37 UTC  

Let me grab some verses

2020-03-08 19:42:47 UTC  

@Sentient23 Under which circumstances?

2020-03-08 19:42:51 UTC  

It is not our duty to judge, but we can review others according to the bible, and if necessary send them to god for judgement

2020-03-08 19:43:09 UTC  

@Koninos what society deems acceptable

2020-03-08 19:43:20 UTC  

If a man murders another man, then the man who committed the murder should be punished

2020-03-08 19:43:35 UTC  

On his behalf bc we are that which was created from his immanence and are his means to will

2020-03-08 19:44:18 UTC  

@Ater Votum So it doesn't really matter right? Since the judgement will happen either way? Or should we send some to God's judgement earlier and why?

2020-03-08 19:44:19 UTC  

The murder of someone is always not allowed
The killing of someone however, is allowed under certain circumstances. Rape, Murder etc

2020-03-08 19:44:53 UTC  

what he said

2020-03-08 19:45:27 UTC  

Boring opinion

2020-03-08 19:45:30 UTC  

Violence should be a last resort.

2020-03-08 19:45:40 UTC  

there is nothing that is truly needed to be done in the name of god. god can take care of himself. the only thing we must do is act in the name of our people and their wellbeing, which is what god would want us to do

2020-03-08 19:45:52 UTC  

@notjojo Are there any verses in the Bible which justify your opinion?

2020-03-08 19:46:04 UTC  


2020-03-08 19:46:09 UTC  


2020-03-08 19:46:23 UTC  

```Romans 1:32
[32]Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death: and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them.```
```Romans 13:3-4
[3]For princes are not a terror to the good work, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good: and thou shalt have praise from the same.
[4]For he is God’s minister to thee, for good. But if thou do that which is evil, fear: for he beareth not the sword in vain. For he is God’s minister: an avenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil.```

2020-03-08 19:48:08 UTC  

"probably" okay

2020-03-08 19:48:09 UTC  

We let delegated authorities do the killing, but if someone must take vigilante action, and of course killing in defense then so be it.

2020-03-08 19:48:14 UTC  

Genesis 9:6 "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image."

2020-03-08 19:48:40 UTC  

^ Read Edward Feser's book named after that verse

2020-03-08 19:48:55 UTC  

Can you DM me a link?

2020-03-08 19:50:21 UTC  

Read crime and punishment

2020-03-08 19:50:38 UTC  

@Florida Man hey that’s what I said

2020-03-08 19:51:10 UTC  

@Koninos there ya go