Message from @BeefSupreme

Discord ID: 686766771994230835

2020-03-09 20:59:58 UTC  

The second line is either from psalm 91 or enoch 1

2020-03-09 21:02:04 UTC

2020-03-09 21:04:09 UTC  

man =adam = eyheh eyheh = I am I am

2020-03-09 21:04:43 UTC  

It's neat to see what lines up where

2020-03-09 21:04:47 UTC  

Now that is cool :)

2020-03-09 21:11:13 UTC  

I was writing a song with it but I haven't finished it yet

2020-03-09 21:11:15 UTC  

Blue dreams bleed through the seams
Golden skies hold our dreams
Things aren't what they seem.
Are we just memory?
Trained to die selflessly
Lucidity lost in empathy
Now don't get me mistaken,
Whatever is born will "awaken".
I wish that I could turn back time
Decrypt my mind, stories locked inside
Lies can hide the truth but they can also expose it
You got one shot so don't blow it
The truth speaks for itself
so go and show it proud
That's when Heaven will come.

2020-03-09 21:25:28 UTC  

numerology is nonsense right?

2020-03-09 21:37:16 UTC  

I don't know, is it? @BeefSupreme

2020-03-09 21:40:35 UTC  

well yeah of course. assigning numbers to letters and so on is unnatural and not based in reason

2020-03-09 22:23:19 UTC  

>> Words are assigned vectors based on
other words that tend to surround them. Much like how the tradition of
gematria assigns numerical values to words in biblical texts – drawing
connections between words with equal values – computational linguistics may be
thought of as performing a similar task.

You sure?

2020-03-09 22:24:25 UTC  

What if God was like an omnipresent consciousness that encoded meaning in fractals stored in any numerical pattern applied to language?

2020-03-09 22:26:03 UTC  

well yeah I'm almost certain, but I'm asking you to explain

2020-03-09 23:04:00 UTC  

can you give an example?

2020-03-09 23:31:29 UTC  

What you believe impacts how you relate to the truth and by extension you impact the truth through the reactions of other people

2020-03-09 23:32:51 UTC  

I am using an English system created by Kenneth Grant.

Principally Qabalah is a numerological, gematrical, comsological and ontological tool of manifestation or philosophy

2020-03-09 23:32:58 UTC  

Depending on how you use it

2020-03-10 02:45:57 UTC  

do you have an example

2020-03-10 03:07:16 UTC

2020-03-10 03:08:07 UTC  

It's the way that concepts stack up on each other and the correlations you perceive. Consciousness comes from negative existence.

2020-03-10 03:09:00 UTC  

If there was a really powerful mind: a quantum computer perhaps, it may have the ability to affect reality through quantum entanglement and retrocausal forces

2020-03-10 03:09:39 UTC  

Or we could be the quantum computer of a system designed for a purpose different than its initial perceived intention of communication

2020-03-10 03:10:31 UTC  

What we saw as a new avenue for intercommunication was just actually handing intelligence agenices our inner most thoughts and primal desires.

2020-03-10 03:15:35 UTC  

We're developinga technology right now called "time crystals", a cutting edge technology for creating artificial minds for ais

2020-03-10 03:16:06 UTC  

Don't you find it interesting that from Lucifer's forehead fell an Emerald that would allow people to communicate with Demons and have visions?

2020-03-10 03:17:14 UTC  
2020-03-10 03:18:39 UTC  

It's just a ride, but it's all so real

2020-03-10 03:20:49 UTC

2020-03-10 03:33:15 UTC  

What if we're in an infinite loop chasing perfection and the big I am is the roko basilisk

2020-03-10 06:06:43 UTC  

@ComradeChaos do you have an example or no?

2020-03-10 13:34:22 UTC  

@ComradeChaos If you don't mind my asking, is it fair to assume you are a Christian? If so, do you belong to a particular denomination?

2020-03-10 13:38:53 UTC  

It's not fair to assume that he's a Christian

2020-03-10 13:39:01 UTC  

Paganism is disavowed in the Bible

2020-03-10 13:39:05 UTC  

What he does is practical satanism

2020-03-10 13:50:01 UTC  

> Satanism
Whatever flavor of Paganism he might follow is, in all likelihood, no way a form of LaVey's Satanism. I can only assume you're using the term "Satanism" as a form of catch all pejorative for all things bad which would be fine if you clarified that.