Message from @ComradeChaos

Discord ID: 688514768302243865

2020-03-14 22:29:33 UTC  

''for his mercy ''

2020-03-14 22:29:40 UTC  

because God's mercy would have prevented that

2020-03-14 22:29:45 UTC  


2020-03-14 22:29:49 UTC  

I dont see how that implies punishment after forgiveness

2020-03-14 22:29:51 UTC  

im not making that point

2020-03-14 22:30:17 UTC  

Its saying we deserve punishment but God has forgiven uss

2020-03-14 22:30:37 UTC  

@Maksim It clearly states that for those that worship god ''for all our sins, for his mercy toward those who fear and honor him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth''
, they will be forgiven for some of their sins.'' He has not punished us as we deserve for''

2020-03-14 22:30:43 UTC  

The mercy of God is our salvation through his acceptance of our suffering or works

2020-03-14 22:30:54 UTC  

@OrthoGoat Yea and?

2020-03-14 22:30:57 UTC  

The inverse is being forgotten by God. Sent to the place without him

2020-03-14 22:31:03 UTC  

and there we go

2020-03-14 22:31:05 UTC  

It dosent say nor imply punsihment after forgiveness

2020-03-14 22:31:05 UTC  

thats my point

2020-03-14 22:31:24 UTC  

it literally does because it explains that there is still punishment, but less

2020-03-14 22:31:25 UTC  

read it

2020-03-14 22:31:28 UTC  

actually read it

2020-03-14 22:31:29 UTC  

use your eyes

2020-03-14 22:31:30 UTC  

It dosent

2020-03-14 22:31:32 UTC  

open them

2020-03-14 22:31:52 UTC  

Have you ever considered God and the Devil are fundamentally the same thing

2020-03-14 22:31:59 UTC  

Because God is in all things

2020-03-14 22:32:22 UTC  

Dualistic expression of a father disguising the unity of all things

2020-03-14 22:32:35 UTC  

No where does it say or imply punishment after forgiveness

2020-03-14 22:33:06 UTC  

''He has not punished us as we deserve for all our sins'' literally says that we are not punished enough (reffering to the normal punishment one would receive) because we ''those who fear and honor him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth'' worship him ''fear and honor him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth''

2020-03-14 22:33:14 UTC  

Existence is a punishment because it guarantees suffering, death and an inevitable decay into the beast system

2020-03-14 22:33:31 UTC  

We live in a world that is built on sacrificing other living organisms for our own existence

2020-03-14 22:33:43 UTC  

i mean i made it extremely clear

2020-03-14 22:33:46 UTC  

@OrthoGoat No it dosent. 'He has not punished us as we deserve for all our sins'' is talking about how we deserve punishment but we dont get any because we have been forgiven

2020-03-14 22:33:57 UTC  


2020-03-14 22:34:03 UTC  

it dosent say we dont get any

2020-03-14 22:34:10 UTC  

If youve been forgiven

2020-03-14 22:34:13 UTC  

You dont get any

2020-03-14 22:34:15 UTC  

''as we deserve for all our sins'' implying that some are punished

2020-03-14 22:34:15 UTC  

To exist in a world that has death is to live on the side of the veil in which true goodness doesn't exist

2020-03-14 22:34:23 UTC  

No it dosent

2020-03-14 22:34:28 UTC  

yea it literally does

2020-03-14 22:34:35 UTC  

Thats saying we deserve to be punished

2020-03-14 22:34:36 UTC  

But we done

2020-03-14 22:34:37 UTC  


2020-03-14 22:34:43 UTC  

No it physically dosent